List Your Practice; Find Doctors and Dentists Near You . NOTE: Sheriff Shutler served the summons, Results of Inquest: More room is needed and an appropriation will probably be made by the legislature of 1903 for the erection of two Lee, Mary E. 48, b abt 1852 in New York, widow, pb NY, died 10 / 17/ 1913 of sarcoma of breastbone and breast, Reynolds, Rebecca L. Younger, wife of William H. Reynolds, 78, b abt 1822 in Herkimer Co. NY, married, 2 children, died May 1, 1902, housekeeper, buried Muskegon, Evergreen Cemetery, Paul, August 65, b abt 1835 in Germany, married, pb Germany, died 5/ 23/ 1911 of TB, farmer, from Posen, buried Posen, MI Spanglish, and it did not disappoint! The stairway leads up to it, first building on right, from the offices parking lot. There are also pamphlets, news briefs and the hospital newsletter, Records Relating to Employees (1885-1923) consist of employee contract books that provide copies of agreements signed by employees and can contain additional information. Kalkaska , MI 49646, 1465 E. Parkdale Ave. 2 hour Guided Tour of The Village campus. Medical Officer's journal, 1906-14; registers of permits issued to enter hospital, 1881-1908, with gaps; station orders, 1924-30; and (in Washington Area) medical case registers, 1831-32, and outpatient records, 1891-1939. In 1907, the hospital began its own school of nursing with additional classes focusing on the care of psychiatric patients. On Dec 1st, 1902 at 2:30 p.m. the deceased asked Pose Aliven the attendent to give her a bath and the attendent said she would at night. The massive center of the old Traverse City State Hospital, nearly a quarter of a mile from end to end, used to be called Building 50. Box 30037. Time books list employee name, work location, remarks on work performance and additional work-related information, Patient Records (1985-1989) consist of a variety of patient-related documentation including admissions and discharge ledgers, patient registries, referrals, records of clinics, records relating to the critically ill, and cards documenting visitors. The Michigan Domestic & Sexual Violence Prevention and Treatment Board administers state and federal funding for domestic violence shelters and advocacy services, develops and recommends policy, and develops and provides technical assistance and training. Summary Overview for Sheila Our system was able to find 4 records in total for this person, which we can publicly display. that is worth repeating - the development of a state hospital founded Public Act 271 of 1945 abolished the State Hospital Commission and replaced it with the Department of Mental Health and provided for a Mental Health Commission as the policy-making body, Archives Stack Location: Range 7, Unit 3, Shelves 3-6, Mental health records are closed. Box 30037 (Cyrene A.) Cannon, Kate (Connon) 34, b abt 1866 in Canada, married, 5 children, pb Ireland Information on patients include history of the patient's condition, name, age, sex, race, occupation, religion, education, residence and other personal and clinical details, The photographic materials include photographs, color slides and negatives. Transcribed by Alanna Fitzgerald, Results of Inquest: In 1921, all asylums in the state of Michigan were placed under the jurisdiction of the State Hospital Commission, part of the Department of Social Welfare. $30 per person, (Ages 12 & over - 11 & under NOT permitted on tour; under 18 requires parent or guardian present) Approximately 1 mile of walking - Not wheelchair accessible. Included are names of the students, grades for various subjects, ward assignments, and commencement programs, A committee of members from the Board of Trustees was required to visit the asylum monthly according to Public Act 135 of 1885, Public Act 225 of 1881 established the Northern Michigan Asylum in Traverse City. If you are requesting records from a closed State-operated facility for an individual other than yourself, proper authorization is required. They include patient expenses and hospital expenditures including clothing, bedding, medical supplies, furniture, livestock, farm and garden expenses. She came near ending her life a few weeks ago by drinking cloroform. "Traverse City State Hospital" 2005 Traverse City Oral History Project, Grand Traverse Commons Find Providers by Procedure Find Providers by Condition. two hundred and seventy-five. To request a printed or digital copy of your medical record, please complete and return the authorization for release of medical information. see! Information on treatment and services for juvenile offenders, success stories, and more. Noack or Nowack, Clara 54, b abt 1846 in Germany, married, 3 children, pb Germany, Reed, Frank (Read) single, also 1910 63, b at 1847, 1920 speaks English cannot read or write, Watson, Patrick 38, b abt 1862 in Canada, divorced, from Big Rapids, died 9/ 24/ 1901 of paretic dementia and congestive seizures, at asylum 2 yrs 5 months, buried Oakwood Cem, TC, Goff, Marian C. 58, b abt 1842, widow, died 5/ 3/ 1915 of cerebral apoplexy, from Leelanau Co, buried Ann Arbor, Ellison, Caroline 30, b abt 1870 in Canada, married 2 children, pb Canada, Palmer, Louisa born 1864, married, died 7/ 19/ 1904 of TB 8 months duration, from Midland Co, buried Oakwood Cem, TC . Founding Medical Superintendent Dr. James Decker Munson believed in the moral treatment movement, which at the time was revolutionary. Kalamazoo state Hospital (1859) and Pontiac State Hospital (1873) were becoming overcrowded and a third facility was needed. Fuller with a certain weapan, to wit, a club, which the said Alexander Ferguson in both hand then there held, Records for closed State-operated Mental Health facilities are the property of the Department of Health and Human Services. 9. Not to mention, hilarious. Find All Providers. The subject files (1886-1989) give an overview of the day-to-day operations of the hospital. The main structure would be large and advanced for Northern Michigan: almost one quarter mile long, over 300,000 square feet, over 70 feet tall at the roof ridge, and employing central heat and electric lights. . buildings on the grounds. Mccusig, Bridget (Mccuaig) 32, b abt 1868 in MI, married 2 children, pb Ireland, Nolte, Lena (Lena Notte) 56, b abt 1844 in Germany, widow, 3 children, pb Germany, died 9/ 19/ 1900, buried Oakwood Cem, TC, died of organic brain disease, Smith, Reinholdt 29, b abt 1871 in Germany, single, pb Germany, died 4/ 16/ 1907 of TB, laborer, from Muskegon, buried Whitehall, Rasmussen, Nels 59, Jan 6, 1841 in Denmark, married, fb Denmark, died 8/ 27/ 1908 of exhaustion, dysentery, senility, laborer, buried Ludington, Lakeview Cem, Harroun, Harriet G. 31, b abt 1869 in MI, single, pb NY These include name, address, date of employment, rate of pay and a detailed account of accidents suffered by employees at the hospital. Requests for an individuals own records or proper authorization to access another individuals records can be sent to: Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Information about the health care programs available through Medicaid and how to qualify. - death, married at 20, no children, Graham, George 42, b abt 1858 in Canada, married, parents b Ireland, died 12/ 3/ 1907, blacksmith, Terhune, Henry (Terhune) 80, born about 1820 in New York, widow, died 3/ 7/ 1901 of arteriosclerosis, buried ? In 1907, it began its own school of nursing with additional classes focusing on the care of psychiatric patients. Alpern, Isaac 24, b abt 1876 in Mi, pb Germany A deceased patients records can be released if appropriate documentation is provided. Assistant Medical Support and Stewards residences of the State Hospital. To authorize the release of your medical records to a third party or request your own copy, please download and complete this form. 1903], Northern Michigan Asylum Newberry Regional Psychiatric Hospital (Mich.). The former Traverse City State Hospital is immersed in over 100 years of history. Offering Space for Hospital Dr. Munson's involvement in the local medical society and concern for the community led him to offer the use of a two-story "cottage" at the corner of 11th and Elmwood streets for a community hospital when Traverse City's only hospital, the Smith Sanitarium, burned to the ground on March 12, 1915. Frankfort, MI 49635. The Northern Michigan Asylum, later called the Traverse City State Hospital, opened in 1885, six decades before psychiatric drugs were first used. Children's Special Health Care Services information and FAQ's. Isaac Fuller by the said Alexander Ferguson do herby exonerate the superintendent of the North. Over the last two decades, the former hospital has been restored and transformed into luxury apartments, restaurants, and shops. The only thing that keeps you reading is the love story between two patients. 25, b abt 1875 in MI, married, 1 child, pb Denmark, Pure, Annie (Prue) 41, b abt 1859 in MI, married, 1 child, pb Canada (Annie Miller) laborers wife, father John Miller, mother May Fox, died 7/ 16/ 1901, Fullington, Charles 46, b abt 1854 in MI, single, pb NY, died 9/ 22/ 1914, buried Lake Odessa, Ionia Co, Bigelow, Samuel 39, b abt 1861 in Canada, married, pb Ireland, died 7/ 24/ 1907 of heart disease, laborer from Manistee Co, buried Copemish, Manistee Co, MI, Herald, James (James Herold Jr) 22, born abt 1878 in MI, single, find-a-grave born 10/ 20/ 1878 in Hubbardston, Ionia Co, died 12/ 11/ 1958 in TC, buried Saint John the Baptist Catholic Cemetery, Hubbardston, parents James and Elizabeth, Anderson, Carl J. Canada, died 9/ 10/ 1900, buried Oakwood, cause -paretic dementia, father Curtis born Canada, at asylum almost 2 yrs, Thomas, Dan C. 64, b abt 1836 in NY, laborer, died 7/ 22/ 1915 of heart disease, from Ionia Co, buried Remus, MI, Adams, Nettie M. (Hettie) 52, b abt 1848 in MI, married, died 5/ 8/ 1908 of heart disease and delusional insanity, farmers wife, from Edmore, MI, buried Rockford, MI, Bletch, John (Blitch) 28, b abt 1872 in Germany, single, pb Germany, also 1910, 1920 Bletch or Blatch. Coroner's Inquests Records Changes in inventory numbers have likely occurred since reporting was completed. Gaylord, MI 49735, 224 Park Ave. hundred and twenty-five patients cared for in the various buildings, and the total number of people employed are I've taken inmates, p Musgrove, Wave b MI female, 36, married, b MI can read & write Morgan, Alice b MI 38, married, 5 children, b MI can read & write N Benison, Alphonse 54, b at 1846 in Fr. 57, b abt 1843 in NY, died 10/ 28/ 190 of heart disease, laborer, from Houghton Lake, at asylum 2 1/2 years, buried Oakwood Cem. Designed by Midwestern church architect Gordon Lloyd, this large mostly three story building was built on what is known as the "Kirkbride plan" of mental institution design for housing mental patients, which was popular in the 19th . Here are some such asylums in Michigan with stories that can keep you up at night with fear. Images will be sent to the email address that was used to send in the request. Lewis, Chauncey E. born 1844, in asylum Dec 19, 1898 - Feb 10, 1901, died at 57 of general paresis, buried Ionia?? Buisson, Alphonso born Canada, divorced, parents born Fr. Copyright The facility closed in September 1990, Archives Stack Location: Range 7, Unit 10, Shelves 8-9, Archives Stack Location: Range 24, Unit 2, Shelf 17, All mental health case files are closed per Public Act 368 of 1978. You can seek to obtain a court order. P.O. Those patients were sometimes called inmates or borders of the asylum in various documents. Later I learned that this was once the site of the Traverse City State Hospital - Or, for the less PC version: The Northern Michigan Asylum for the Insane. 64, b abt 1836 in NY, married. Charlevoix , MI 49720, 1100 E. Michigan Ave. and other state and federal resources. This record group consists of administrative subject files, patient records, employee records and photographic materials. Typically records are destroyed after 20 years. Records of the PHS hospital, including patient registers, 1879- 1911; letters sent, 1904-11. Traverse City State Hospital Patients Driscoll, Betty S. "This book is a compilation of public records of people who were patients at the TCSH. Perry Hannah, a lumber baron from Traverse City used his political influence to secure Traverse . 30, b abt 1870 in England, single, pb England, also 1930, 1940 Hospital & Health Care primary Find Schwabe on Map. The patients had their own vineyard, and a greenhouse where they grew citrus fruits in the winter. DCH-1183 Authorization to Disclose Protected Health Information. Ellison, Mary E. 63 b at 1837 in New York, widow, 1 child, pb NY was incredibly knowledgeable and passionate about mental health care, history, It stands for the Grand Traverse County Death Records Search. If you cannot afford child care, payment assistance is available. tool sheds, etc. Huston, Jerry B. King, Lewis C. 31, b abt 1869 in MI, single, father MW King from Scotland, mother Ellen Oatey born Ohio, Lewis died 9/ 16/ 1912 of acute dysentery, dentist, allopathfrom Cheboygan, buried? Vantassel, Mary 68, b abt 1832 in Ohio, widow, mother born England Owned and operated by the State of Michigan to treat individuals with mental illness and opened in 1885, the State Hospital housed 50,000 patients, hired 20,000 employees, and accepted 250,000 visitors before its closure. Brener, Brower is correct, Lot A. Fees may apply. Traverse City State Hospital on the 1940 census. At first it was erected with a capacity to care for A large staff of competent physicians are also employed. So the attendent told her to lie on the couch down the hall and point it out to her and the patients did so. No inquest was held.Viewed body at the asylum.The body viewed by Dr. Munson also Dr. Meuller. There is so little information available regarding patients, often known as inmates, that I felt it was important to post, make public, the little information available, as a genealogist, researcher and briefly, an "inmate" shortly before it closed. I've explored the grounds on my own and read a lot of history, By being struck with a weapon known as a club in the hands of Alexander Ferguson an inmate in the North. Get two full weeks of free access to more than 18 billion genealogy records right now. The name of the hospital was changed to the Traverse City Regional Psychiatric Hospital, which took effect on January 1, 1978. Administrative records containing patient information are restricted. You'll also gain access to the MyHeritage discoveries tool that locates information about your ancestors automatically when you upload or create a tree. Munson Medical Center in Traverse City is named for him. I knew from family records that he entered the Traverse City State Hospital in 1936 and was there until he died in September 1940. in ever part(?) I was born at James Decker Munson Hospital in 1945 and grew up on the grounds of the Traverse City State Hospital, formerly the Northern Michigan Asylum. At the time of its completion, The Northern Michigan Asylum served 39 counties, including all of the Upper Peninsula, and almost immediately there was demand for additional patient rooms. Chicago Tribune, February 24, 1957 De Kruif, Paul. 18, b abt 1882 in MI, single. Posted 3:23:42 AM. and that it would only take about a half hour, but Rose Elvin said no suspecting hermotive.The patient then said she would go lie down. Buried Ann Arbor, Gill, Frank 19, b abt 1881 in MI, single, died 4/ 19/ 1901, father Maurier P., farmer, from Clarion, at asylum about 3 yrs. Canada Ellison, Mary E. 63 b at 1837 in New York, widow, 1 child, pb NY Councelman, Matilda (Couns Walter, John unknown age b Germany pb Germany Coleman, Helen 49 married 8 children b Ohio died July 10, 1911, b about 1851, cause organic b From the book, "Northern Michigan Asylum", 3 murders took place there. The Asylum operated its own farm and dairy, including a prize herd of cattle. Rock, Mary 56, b abt 1844, married, death record, born 1854, died 3/ 31/ 1901 of TB, buried Oakwood Cem, TC, Fox, Rachel 59, b abt 1841 in Ohio, widow, 6 children, farmers widow, died 4/ 1/ 1917 of arteriosclerosis, cerebral hemorrhage, 76 yrs old from Gratiot Co, buried Pompeil, MI, Oliver, John J. The Department is aware that HIPAA now only protects the privacy of a decedents health information for 50 years following the decedents date of death. Bureau of Legal Affairs. Information on How to Bid, Requests for Proposals, forms and publications, contractor rates, and manuals. Meals at the hospital were served in dining rooms on fine china glazed with the State Seal atop white linen tablecloths. (patient was) epileptic at all (xxx xxx). This asylum was constructed in 1885 and held around fifty-thousand patients of all ages throughout its operation, until finally closing down in 1989. This wasperformed by her depressed mental condition and further that the official of the North. Details. You must authorize the release of medical information in writing if you would like: The completed form should be returned to the appropriate Munson Healthcare location by mail, fax, or email or in person. Contact information is listed on the form. Some sections were refurbished or repurposed and others totally demolished. Box: 7. Although it ceased operations as a mental hospital in 1989, the historic Traverse City State Hospital continues to serve the local community. Out of bed at 5:30am. Page 4 Hendrickson, Carl 39 b Finland parents born Finland GTDR 11/13/1917, b 1862, died chronic myocarditis, lived at asylum 31 yrs. Since being saved from demolition, the old hospital and grounds have been transformed into a series of shops, restaurants, and apartments. The patient was on a suicidal character, (shuyson) was carefully guarded. TRAVERSE CITY After Taylor Webb gave birth to her first child, she worked with the Munson Medical Center billing department to sort out a $4,000 hospital bill, paying close to half of it up . Large fans would force air through underground tunnels, into the basement and up flues in the various parts of the building. Today, the total number of state psychiatric beds in the U.S. sits around 37,000, with most beds on short-term, acute inpatient units in general medical hospitals. Fax: (517) 241-1200. Stevens; Dr. H. D. Purdum; Dr. J.D. Training School for Nurses. Statewide Hospital Available PPE Tracking for COVID-19 2/22/2023**. 55, b abt 1845 in England, married, pb England, housekeeper, died 8/ 27/ 1913 of organic heart disease, buried Oakwood Cem, TC, from Montcalm Co. Gray, Ethel 19, b abt 1881 in Canada, single, pb Canada, farmers daughter, died 1/ 21/ 1917 of organic brain disease at 36 yrs old, father William Gray, from Benzie Co, buried Elberta, MI The annual pay roll for the employes is not less than ninety thousand dollars. Arndt, Caroline 32, b abt 1868 in Germany, married, 2 children, pb Germany, also 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940 That she came to her death by carbolic acid, self administered with suicidal intent and furuther do hearby exoneratethe superintendent and management of the North. 32, b at 1868 in MI, widow, 5 children, father b Canada, mb MI, died 4/ 26/ 1909 of TB, father David J. Conrad, from Mason Co, buried Ludington. So even if you obtain a court order for the Department to produce records,WE CANNOT GUARANTEE THAT A SEARCH WILL PRODUCE ANY RECORDS. 1105 Sixth St. Traverse City, MI 49684 . 31, b abt 1869 in MI, married, 4 children, father b Scotland, Nybro, Cecelia (Nybrs) 54, b abt 1846 in Norway, married, 5 children, b Norway The grounds are beautifully laid out and cared for. If you are also interested in researching records, please let me know. MUNSON MEDICAL CENTER, 1105 6th Street Traverse City, MI 49684; LANCASTER GENERAL HOSPITAL, 555 North Duke Street Lancaster, PA 17602; . from Traverse City Asylum Psychiatric Hospital, Page 19, 1900 Census, Asylum Patients, birth, death, Page 18, 1900 Census Patients Names, Ages, Birthplace, Page 5 Traverse City State Hospital, 1900 Census, Names Listed page 5, Grand Traverse County Death Record Search, GTDR, Page 4 Northern Michigan Asylum 1910 Census Patient List pg 4, Page 6 Northern Michigan Asylum 1900 patient index page 6, Page 15 1900 Northern Michigan Asylum Census Patients, Page 4 Northern Michigan Asylum 1900 Census Patients page 4. The web Browser you are currently using is unsupported, and some features of this site may not work as intended. The Traverse City State Hospital of Traverse City, Michigan is a decommissioned psychiatric hospital that has been variously known as the Northern Michigan Asylum and the Traverse City Regional Psychiatric Hospital.It is the last Kirkbride Building of Michigan's original four left in the state. It was Information on the Children's Protective Services Program, child abuse reporting procedures, and help for parents in caring for their children. For the next 30 years the state and community would debate the preservation or demolition of the remainder of Building 50. Canada The investment by the state up to the present writing has been very nearly one million dollars. For example, Cottages 19 and 20 were patient infirmaries, the hospitals within the hospital for patients recovering from surgery or contagious diseases. Hibbard, Joseph born 1844 in NY, laborer, died 11/ 13/ 1903 of intestinal obstruction, from Montmorency Co. This previous mental hospital has a history Health Care Coverage information and resources. Canada, widow, father b Fr. Traverse City Regional Psychiatric Hospital (Mich.). Canada, married, 7 children, pb Fr. ?, patient arrived Aug. 18, 1899, Karter, Joseph 31, b abt 1869 in Canada, single, parents b Germany residences of 100's of people, is quite the sight. (Barto) 34, b abt 1866 in MI, single, pb MI, died 1/ 10/ 1906, male, Temple, Carrie M. 23, b abt 1877, single, 1910 Carrie May Temple, Timple 32, b abt 1878, 1920 Carrie Mae born Nova Scotia, Carrey, Cordelia 38, b abt 1862 in MI, married, Olin, George Wilbur born Ohio, married, pb NY, died 4/ 1/ 1912 of acute Bright's disease, laborer, buried Greenwood Cemetery, Petoskey, Emmet County, Mi. Established in 1881, Northern Michigan Asylum (Traverse City State Hospital) became the third psychiatric hospital in Michigan. The third says a patient was strangled to death by another patient, 1913-1914. We began with the Men's Ward building about 9am. The door being locked, they had to enter the room from the outside and through the window. in An aerial view of The Village at Grand Traverse Commons in autumn. The Northern Michigan Asylum, later called the Traverse City State Hospital, opened in 1885, six decades before psychiatric drugs were first used. Page Date Name of Deceased Cause of Death 2 16 Aug 1909 Zenith Evert That the said Willard E. Field caused his death by hanging himself between the hours of 3 and 4 o'clock a.m. July 13, 1897 and no blame attached to the physicians or attendants in charge of the ward at the time of said death. I've taken inmates, p Musgrove, Wave b MI female, 36, married, b MI can read & write Morgan, Alice b MI 38, married, 5 children, b MI can read & write N Benison, Alphonse 54, b at 1846 in Fr. This site is to share public records regarding patients and employees of the Traverse City Asylum, State Hospital for the Insane, Northern Michigan Asylum, Traverse City Regional Psychiatric Hospital. P.O. Then the attendent went back to her sewing for about 15 mins then went down the hall again to where the patient was lying on the couch and found her gone. Computer proficiency with Windows based programs. I Low-income Households Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP). For example, Cottages 19 and 20 were patient infirmaries, the "hospitals within the hospital" for patients recovering . Since the Department cannot provide you legal advice, it is recommended that you seek assistance of an attorney. on the humane treatment of mental illness. Contact information is listed on the form. Tags: State Hospital staff, Traverse City State Hospital. Request your medical records or authorize release of your medical records. 5/ 28/ 1908, carpenter, Solomanson, Thomas 27, born abt 1873 in Michigan, single, parents b Sweden, died 6/ 1/ 1905 of exopthalmis goitn?, laborer, from Whitehall, buried Whitehall MI, Pulsipher, Charles M. 40, born abt 1860 in Michigan, married, parents born New York, buried McBride cemetery, born 3/ 24/ 1860 in Hillsdale, Mi, 1860-1905, died 5/ 23/ 1905, Olson, Cyrus A. No inquest neccesary, Results of Inquest: There is one volume of Visiting Trustees Reports (1885-1896) that includes hospital cleanliness, patient care, staff attentiveness and building maintenance. This record group consists of nine manuscript boxes of records and 51 volumes records pertaining to the early history of the Traverse City State Hospital. Definitely a must Then patient asked her to lether date Abott Pusely (?) Return the completed and signed form to the attention of Health Information Management at the appropriate location. Gladys Lyons deliberately taking into her stomach carbolic acid in a sufficently large quantity to kill her. Died 6/ 13/ 1903. Miss Knapp was a patient at the North. In 1970, the Arnell Engstrom Childrens Center was established at the hospital to serve emotionally disturbed children from 33 counties in northern Michigan. Ward, John J. To obtain physical copies of radiology images, fill out and sign Form 3161 with a picture of your drivers license and email them to [email protected]. He spear headed a whole new outlook on how to treat mentally ill patients. 29, b abt 1871 in Denmark, single, pb Denmark, died 3/ 14/ 1920 of tuberculosis of lungs and lymphatic glands, buried Trufants, MI, Monroe, Edith Charlotte 23, b abt 1877 in MI, married, 3 children, died 5/ 19/ 1907, housewife, father Geo. Hibbard, William 36, b abt 1864 in Massachusetts, single There is so little information available regarding patients, often known as inmates, that I felt it was important to post, make public, the . This will generally include documentation naming the person with legal authority to release the records (for example, a copy of the patients will, an affidavit of surviving spouse or court order for appointed personal representative). Perhaps the creepiest place in the Traverse City area, this state hospital originally opened as an insane asylum in 1885. This position is on nights and has a $2 per hour shift differential. A new two-story, flat roof building was constructed in its place, which is now known as Village Center. Assists with the medication storage, stocking, transportation, and checking of expiration dates as delegated. Storage, stocking, transportation, and manuals requesting records from a closed State-operated for! 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