I, I, Ive accepted the Lord. As a new Christian you may find yourself somewhat confused as to what your next steps should be. @ryanries_. 2021 Calvary Chapel Magazine (CCM). I dont like you, and uh, I, I said, All I wanna do is I wanna get out of this place.And he says, Well, I dont think thats possible. I said, I said, If you dont make it possible, I said, Im gonna kill you right now. And so, he got a piece of paper, started writing all kinds of stuff down, you know? It became part of a A, a part of my life where, as I begin to see some of my friends get killed, the hatred that came for the Asian person. And I remember in 1959 Um, my father began to write in 58 to my mother that he wanted to change his life, and that he wanted to come to America and live with us because he missed us so much, and uh, I remember b- being a little kid, 10 years old, hating my mother because my mother said, Okay, to my father. thank you for your teachings and your amazing example of Gods restoration and love and mercy and Grace. Believers today are not experiencing this life-changing power because they are not walking in righteousness. Visit Calvary Chapel Golden Springs; and, Calvary Chapel Association. As we look around the world today, we see that the family unit is dying. Don: Amen. And when she was gonna leave me, I decided that nobody would ever have her, and I would, I would chase for my kids, and the best way to do that is to execute her and my kids and kill myself as the police would come, Id just shoot it out with the police, that would be the end of everything. Raul Ries Teaches at CCA International Pastors' & Leaders' Conference 2021 Story by Kate LarsenPhotos by Tom Price and Josh Larson Follow Calvary Chapel Magazine as we publish summaries of the teachings at the CCA 2021 Calvary Chapel International Pastors' & Leaders' Conference at CC Golden Springs, CA. And he, he came drunk, and he passed out on the bed. He loves you so much that He is now willing that any should perish but all should come to repentance. I mean, Pastor Ries went from wanting to kill his wife and kids to being an evangelist and the pastor of a large, thriving church. And they had these, uh, fishes that youd have the Greek writing, Jesus Christ, God, Son, and Savior, in Greek. (function($) {window.fnames = new Array(); window.ftypes = new Array();fnames[0]='EMAIL';ftypes[0]='email';fnames[1]='FNAME';ftypes[1]='text';fnames[2]='LNAME';ftypes[2]='text';}(jQuery));var $mcj = jQuery.noConflict(true); Mark Ellis is the founder of God Reports, a website devoted to promoting Christian missions by sharing stories and testimonies from missionaries and mission organizations, Pastor Raul Ries asks for prayer for debilitating illness, Released pastor describes prison experience in North Korea, Myanmar: Pastor lost three fingers in attack, offered forgiveness, Final night of Asbury revival and what comes next, Asbury University revival spreads worldwide. Keep It Simple Talk Show 1M ago However, God intervened through Pastor Chuck Smith. Its been a real hardship for me. Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. The true story of Raul Ries. If you guys can pray for me that God can continue to move through my life and work through my life because its very frustrating to get up in the pulpit and try to preach and all of a sudden you have this situation happening in your life, he stated. Add to Playlist. February 28. You can transform our nation one family at a time! And it seemed like when he talked, when he was talking to the TV, he was talking to me. I was so bitter at him at the age of 10. "When 70 percent of the church views pornography, we have a problem," he said. And then nobody wins. Don: Yes, and here, you and Sharon, theres no slowing down in either one of you. But just her life living. As he witnessed the deaths of his fellow Marines, Ries anger towards the world grew into fury. The second here. Raul: And, uh, I mean, he physically used to taking me, and hitting me, and just beating me, you know? I just wanted everybody to know that I was a Christian. If you are looking for a place that will tell it like it is than go here. His Tour of Duty in Vietnam was from December 8, 1966 to September 15, 1967. About a week later, the Lord call me, and I mean, I, I didnt hear His voice, but I had, like I was sitting there, reading my Bible and praying, and I had, like, a vision. FAQs. [Visitors] maybe drive up to the church and they say, Oh, look at this guy; look at this big building. To others he was a kung-fu expert, but to his family he was a time-bomb ready to explod Read all. And I remember when I was at Camp Pendleton, they had me actually locked up, and uh, thats when I My wife was in high school with me, and we had actually fallen in love through letters in Vietnam. (Part 1 of 2). We will remember him forever. Don: Yes, and so now you just take those things that youve learned of the principles of discipline, and [apply them]. Raul: I mean, for me to just stay home and watch TV, theres no possible way. Church Discipline. Program #3757 - Aired in 2023 | Pop . Raul has not experienced a flashback since that fateful time in 2007, but his ministry has been enhanced by this experience. Believers today are not experiencing this life-changing power because they are not walking in righteousness. Failure To Solve Disputes Pt.2. I imagine you never could have dreamed, the night that you went down to the church and prayed with somebody, that you would be where you are today in ministry. Ries said at the National Religious Broadcasters convention that as an unbeliever he hated everything: the world, his life and even his wife and children. 41.7k Followers, 1,650 Following, 1,679 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from RYAN RIES (@ryanries) ryanries. Its like when a lot of people say, Im done now. Its, uh, like a bow was being pulled back and the arrows were letting go, and they were stabbing me in the heart. To others he was a kung-fu expert, but to his family he was a time-bomb ready to explod See production, box office & company info, I'm sure Jesus is embarrassed by this attempt at film-making. After his wife had threatened to leave him, he intended to kill her. And so, they gave me, uh, time to get married, and uh, I was still in the Marines, and um, my discharge hadnt come back yet. The promise of Raul Ries is the Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Golden Springs in Diamond Bar, CA, and President of Somebody Loves You Ministries, Topics: Family and Home Tags: broadcast, faith, family September 24, 2018 by Jim Daly with Paul Batura, Your email address will not be published. Raul: Iwould pass onto them that Sharon and I spend time in prayer and the Lord keeps His vision and passion for the world in our hearts. And when I came tothe Lord, I said, Lord, You gotta teach me how to read; You gotta teach me how to preach. His words drove Raul to his knees, and he prayed the sinners prayer. Raul: My father had a very bad, bad habit. Raul had grown up with an abusive, alcoholic father who taught him to handle problems with violence. In the final of the three-part interview between pastors Don McClure and Raul Ries, Raul discusses faithfulness and discipline in ministry, as well as his familys health struggles throughout. I have been disturbed by so called witches since l was young including my father. And as I was talking, making a fool of myself, I thought, the Holy Spirit was zapping people. To his high-school friends he was a violent, dangerous combatant. Raul himself became a very angry and violent young man. Here, he spends time with several young boys. Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson thinks he redeemed himself. Don McClure: All these things that you have been doing through the years and continue to do, youve done while both of you have gone through a lot of physical trials. Raul: And so, as, as we were doing this whole thing, I, I got home and I, I just, every morning, I begin to read the Bible, and I, I started going to Chuck Smiths church, and I, I got down there, and I begin to get rooted and grounded, and buy the tapes, and buy the books, and read. Listen. Raul received two Purple Heart awards in Vietnam. See Photos. Raul was bent on a murderous rampage when he had a dramatic, life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ. Articles or photographs may not be reproduced without the written permission of CCM. And I just began to tell God, God, if youre really real and youre a real God and you are a God that can save people as you saved my wife, I want you to come into my life. And you know what blew me away? When I am teaching and I have an episode, one of the pastors will finish the message. Apparently, he has struggled with the undisclosed illness for nine years, which often results in seizures and is very debilitating. I was an, an athlete, and played baseball, and doing very well in baseball. Having an aggressive nature, he sought to become a fierce street fighter and this desire lead him to the Kung Fu studio of Grandmaster Jimmy H. Woo, where he became a first generation Master of the art. And, uh, they sent us, first of all, to a psychiatrist to make sure that they would check us out to see what was wrong with us, and how, when I came to the psychiatrist, he looked at me and said, Well, you know, uh, what seems to be your problem? I said, My Well, I think, first of all my problems you. You know? The Holy Spirit fell on that school so heavily that, all of a sudden, as I looked out, there were about three to five to 600 kids sitting on the grass, listening. The true story of Raul Ries. Follow. When you believe in the saving and redeeming work Jesus did by giving His life for you on the Cross, he will hurl your past behind you and give you a new beginning. I played sports. And my wife, whod never preached to me, she would share the Gospel with me by, by sharing, you know, her love with me, but never giving me tracts, or you know, putting tracts in my sandwiches, and I bite down, and, you know, Jesus loves nothing like that, or putting stickers on Never like that. To his family he was a time-bomb, ready to explode at any moment, and to those who battled beside him, in Vietnam, he was an angry, bitter killer. Fa. By all appearances, he had everything he wanted, including a wife and children. He and his wife, Sharon, thought their time in ministry was over. See Photos. Tweet. Dont waste anymore of your days or your years in the Lord. Or when you give a donation of any amount, well send you the CD of Raul Rieses testimony. Both he and his wife, Sharon, thought their time in ministry was coming to an end, as the flashbacks grew more intense and more frequent. During a CCA conference, pastors take time to ask God to heal Raul of his combat-inflicted episodes. (Part 2 of 2), Dr. Tim Muehlhoff returns to Focus on the Family to share how God provides us with miracles in our everyday lives. Virtual Visit . Special features February 26. I didnt see lightening. 800-232-6459, or donate and request it at our website, focusonthefamily.com/broadcast. Ive started praying for Pastor Ries. All rights reserved. l need your prayers; please pray for me! Raul was bent on a murderous rampage when he had a dramatic, life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ. I- in fact, over the last year, over 170,000 people said they made a decision for Christ because of Focus on the Family. Get a vision in your life, and ask God, God, what do you want me to do for you? And I guarantee you that He will tell you. So, I got me this big old family Bible, and at that time, you know, the hippies, we had long hair and stuff. The enemy will bow and must bow to the Name and Person of JESUS. I never dreamed that God would do such a thing. Join us as we help those families thrive in Christ. Consider uploading your photo of Raul C Ries so that your pictures are included in Raul C Ries's genealogy, family trees & family history records. Raul Ries' Biography. Please click here to learn how. Share Report. And uh, when I got to Dan Nang, to the airport, w- w- to actually board a one- a C-130, uh, they, uh they came out the end piece and they put shackles in my feet and my hands. John: All right. The true story of Raul Ries. Known, now, as a compassionate pastor with a tender mission, Raul Ries was once known as a violent, dangerous combatant. Raul Riestra. In the heart of Los Angeles, Raul grew up in a family that suffered much turmoil due to alcoholism, which resulted in verbal and physical abuse. (Part 1 of 2), Dr. Tim Muehlhoff returns to Focus on the Family to share how God provides us with miracles in our everyday lives. Don McClure: Raul, first of all, tell me a little about you coming to Christ. I began to d- you know, take my frustrations and the anger that I had in me, when we would go to parties, when wed go out in the streets, and I would start, you know, beating up people, and hurting people. Raul Riesco. The Good News for you is that Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil, to forgive your sins and give you a new life and relationship with Him. Ive earned my retirement or something, but youre not that way. Raul Ries Net Worth 2023, Age, Height, Relationships, Married, Dating, Family, Wiki Biography Tom Ford Raul Andrew Ries net worth is $900,000 Raul Andrew Ries Wiki: Salary, Married, Wedding, Spouse, Family Raul Ries was born on August 30, 1947 in Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico as Raul Andrew Ries. Raul Angulo. Posting Guidelines GOD Who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it. Or request your CD and donate as you can at focusonthefamily.com/broadcast. I got to the church where she was, and they were actually At, at that time, they were having the altar call, so I just went up to the altar call, and once they counseled me in the whole thing, I went home, and when I got home, I knocked on the door, and the light was on already, my wife was at home, and I heard her weeping and crying inside. After his wife had threatened to leave him, he intended to kill her. Related Programs Browse All Programs. Im going through a difficult time in my life now, where a lot of timesI cant read and I cant speak and its frustrating and embarrassing to me, he said. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I never liked school. Well trust others will cover the cost of that. 62 reviews of Calvary Chapel Golden Springs "This pastor is die hard, a modern day evangelist and a man with vision! Well, at that time, I say, You know what? W- w- Vietnam was going on. See Photos. Raul Ries (Author) 1 rating Paperback from $7.99 1 New from $7.99 Who is influencing your family? Listen. Raul warmly greets a man in a wheelchair at a CCA pastors conference. And we were just about to graduate. Gaffey, and they sent us to our own units, and I went to Alpha Company 1- , uh, and they put me with the 7th Marine Division, uh, 1st Marines, and uh, they put me on this, on this platoon, which was a, um, a platoon that went, uh, actually on specials missions. Weve all blown it, but God is a God of second, and third, and fourth, and fifth, and a hundred and thousand chances if were sincere in our commitment to Him. At the game, he was honored for his contributions as a pastor to the greater Los Angeles area and for his military service. So every time you thought, Its going fine in the Kung Fu studio. Raul Ries was born on 30 August 1947 in Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico. Sharon Faith Ries is the wife of Pastor Raul Ries of Calvary Chapel Golden Springs in Diamond Bar, CA. to devastating tragedy, Keith saw God's power turn his family's story into a powerful ministry. And uh, at the time, I was 18 already. His name stood for fear, for fighting, and for fury. Walking Righteously. Raul Ries. And if you cant afford to make a donation right now, please just let us know and well get it into your hands. The Bible says that the Thief (Satan) has come to kill, steal and destroy, but I (JESUS ) have come that you have life, and that more abundantly. Pastor Raul Ries Biblias Biblias . 800-232-6459. I wasnt afraid to do anything. Get rooted. Home Episodes Focus on the Family Broadcast From Prodigal to Pastor. If youre willing to do that, He will lead you to that. And so, I got me the biggest Bible I could because I wanted to be, you know-. See Photos. And as I got up from my knees, I wiped off my tears, and I took out all the rounds, put away my gun, and I got in my car, and I went looking for my wife because I wanted to tell her what happened to me. Recent Broadcasts. Deliver him from all fretfullness and impatience, and give him an entire resignation of Your Divine will; O Lord, do not allow this sickness to take away his senses, and continually supply his thoughts with Holy interjections. Raul shares the Gospel at a Kung Fu demonstration with Bjorn Ries, his grandson. Raul: (laughs) It was, it was Chuck Smith, and he was with Kathryn Kuhlman, you know, in one of those [inaudible 00:13:57] with all the hippies. Somebody Loves You with Raul Ries. You just keep going and keep doing it. And I thought I was going home, but, uh, I guess I was not. Get a hunger. Continue to pray for me and my family, he requested. And now were gonna be so joyous being here in America. The former media director of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa has spoken out on accusations against him by some CCA supporters and how Don McClure does business. Thats the thing we want people to see in these articles in the magazine. We recommend moving this block and the preceding CSS link to the HEAD of your HTML file. Learn more about Raul at his website, raulries.com. "If we don't follow Jesus Christ in his steps, we lose the message he gave us. Raul Ries: Yes, my wife, has had cancer for the last 12 yearsStage 4 for most of those years. For sure discipline has shaped my life. A previous student of Al Rubin, your workout partner. To his high-school friends he was a violent, dangerous combatant. Uh, what an amazing testimony of how the Lord can change a person. I got saved. February 23. And uh, again, he, he began to drink, and begin again to abuse my mom. Get grounded. Download the App! Join us as we help those families thrive in Christ! ", "I believe the church is drifting from the cross of Jesus Christ," he said. Youre not going to commit to all the things that you have committed to through your life, and even to the new steps of faith. Raul received two Purple Heart awards in Vietnam. . And they were bombarding me with stuff, man. February 24. God has had His hand upon her; shes telling me no matter how much cancer she has, no matter whats going on, shesgonna go out and shes gonna do it for the Lord, and thats what shes done. John: Today on Focus on the Family, weve been hearing from Raul Ries, senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Golden Springs and president of Somebody Loves You Ministries. And then, what she did is she put the latch on the door, and she opened the door, and she says, What do you want? I said, uh, I said, Im born again. He has an eighth degree Black Belt in Kung Fu San Soo, teaches Kung Fu, and uses martial arts as a ministry tool. He used to like to fight. He is the author of several books including Fury to Freedom (translated in to six languages), Seven Steps to a Successful Marriage and Raising a Godly Family in an Ungodly World. And this guy almost died. Receive a CD of today's broadcast for your donation of any amount! Privacy Policy See Photos. Box 4440Diamond Bar, CA 91765, 'Somebody Loves You' program is designed to equip listeners with the necessary tools to live out their faith. Im gonna go back.I went back the following week, and Mr. Barnholdt and Mr. Hollenbeck took me in their office, and they talked to me, and they gave me permission to be on campus Now, check this out, to be on campus and to go into the classrooms, and to be outside of the classrooms on the mall area and I could talk to people about Jesus Christ because they knew me from before. Lets return now to more from Raul Ries. After his miraculous conversion in 1971, Raul began to read and study the Bible extensively even though he had a limited education. Hope youll give us another try and check out some other articles. We got dressed and we went to the international airport in Mexico, and in 1957, they had those single engine planes. All Rights Reserved. The Christian Ministry PT. Ir directamente al contenido Mon-Thu 10-7pm; Sun 8:00-2pm Pacific Time | 909-396-0054 | 22324 Golden Springs Drive, Diamond Bar California 91765. Raul Ries is the Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Golden Springs and President of Somebody Loves You Ministries. Im old enough. Raul: When we came [to Diamond Bar], the payment when we came here was $145,000 [a month] for 15 years [mortgage]. We were called The Bounty Hunters, and we would go down to the riverbeds, and we would set up camp, and uh, we would watch, and we would click to see how many VC were coming down through the trails, and then we would report back. He has been invited by government officials in South America and South Africa to address their military and police force. On the basis of Matthew 8:17, Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses. This is not a touch-up quote. Amy Carroll shares how her perfectionism led to her being discontent in her marriage for over a decade, how she learned to find value in who Christ is, not in what she does, and practical ways everyone can accept the messiness of marriage and of life. Raul Ries. Pastor Raul's reputation as a Master in the art of Kung Fu San Soo has opened many unlikely doors for him to share the Gospel. He had a problem with drinking, big time drinking. And um, just really, uh, a time of, uh, chaotic because what happened in our home, our home was not a normal home. This was after they had experienced ten years of physical and emotional abuse from his alcoholic father. He challenged today's Church in his message to talk about the fundamentals of the scriptures and not shy away from the message of sin, although doing so without criticizing the person. Heaven will be diverse. Now, can you imagine a big Bible, big fish, walking around, you know? Raul: And uh, I, I got, eh, put in a position where either I was gonna go to prison, or I would have the opportunity, the judge gave me, to go into the military. He explained the love of Christ could forgive anyone who sincerely asks, saying he was forgiven for his sins when he fought in the Vietnam War. Got a job in L.A., working for the Union Bank, and you know, started doing my thing. As soon as he was released, Raul went right back to his old life. Heres Raul Ries, and as you can probably tell, this is not going to be appropriate for younger listeners. John: You can call us or stop by our website. However, many Christians today are not living the life of power and victory that God has called us to. Everything To his high school friends he was a violent, dangerous combatant. Do you desire to walk in the fullness of all that God has for you in Christ? NASHVILLE California Pastor Raul Ries of Calvary Chapel Golden Springs shared Saturday evening his powerful testimony of inviting Jesus into his heart after watching Pastor Chuck Smith on TV at a time when he was contemplating violence against his family. Youll find the Coming Home booklet at focusonthefamily.com/broadcast. Somebody Loves You Raul Ries 1d ago Somebody Loves You features systematic & comprehensible teaching of God's Word with Pastor Raul Ries. You know, so often they would come and maybe open up a Calvary Chapel Magazine and say, Oh, heres what Diamond Bar has done down in South America, or heres some conference. But we just want them to see us like we saw Chuck. Home . Jim: And right there, on that television set was Pastor Chuck Smith, the founder of, uh, Calvary Chapel, talking about the love of God. Please keep me in your prayers, he asked. In this broadcast, Pastor Raul share his fascinating story about the amazing grace of God and its power to transform even the most hardened hearts. And as I began to just share with them Gods love, I said, Anybody here wants to accept Jesus Christ? 500 kids got up and came on their knees and gave their life to Jesus Christ, and I mean, the school is totally blown away. Well, I did. As children of God we are grafted into his family (Acts 11:17) and we need to continue to obey God commands . Raul: By faith God provided, and you know, Ive never been fearful of that. Provider Type . Having an aggressive nature, he sought to become a fierce street fighter and this desire lead him to the Kung Fu studio of Grandmaster Jimmy H. Woo, where he became a first generation Master of the art. He was on television being interviewed, during the tumultuous, drug saturated years of the 70s, because of his work with the hippies who were turning to Jesus by the thousands. Mailing Address Somebody Loves You RadioP.O. Here's the bottom line.I've said from Day 1 that the problem was Don McClure.this is just some supporting evidence. And He says, Get up on this big, new bench, and I want you to talk to them about me.So, I got up there, and started, Hey, for God so loved the world, man, that He give His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, that whosoever would give you know, I mean, its this whole thing. Revered by Christians as God's holy Word, the Bible spans centuries of history, contains a variety of literary styles and culminates in the person of Jesus Christ. Don: But I think people love seeing not just simply a pastor who can give a great Bible study. As he hit the television with his rifle, the program came on and he saw Pastor Chuck Smith talking about the love of Jesus Christ. Listen in and be forever changed. Theres hardly a place on the map that you havent affected and all youve done has just everyday been faithful. Comedy True Crime News & Politics Business & Tech Audiobooks Sleep & Relaxation Health & Wellness Paranormal Kids & Family ASMR Sports Meditation Religion People Station Archive. It is Gods desire for His children to live Spirit-led lives of impact. In Vietnam, he was a top-notch fighting Marine, yet a danger to his own commanding office Read allThe true story of Raul Ries. And what are some parting thoughts that you would have them know of you and Sharon that you would pass on? May 20, 2022 Raul Ries grew up with an alcoholic father who physically abused him and his mother. You know? And so, he wrote pretty fast. And uh, they allowed me to have a couple of times, you know, off where I can go and, you know, and see my, my family. I wanted to My, my goal was to kill and execute my father. You are my favorite rabbi I would be honored to pray for the Holy Spirit to be sent to surround you, fill you with his power of healing and for Jesus to put his divine hand upon you. Raul: the Bible, and I walked in, and the f- next thing I know is the police are escorting me off the campus because they think Im nuts. After much prayer, he felt the Holy Spirit heal him, and his ministry has been enhanced by this experience. Join thousands of others to get the FREEDOM POST newsletter for free, sent twice a week from The Christian Post. In the heart of Los Angeles, Raul grew up in a family that suffered much turmoil due to alcoholism, which resulted in verbal and physical abuse. Jeremiah 29:11 is for you: There's no place like home, right? Pastor Raul Ries: I Was Going to Kill My Family When God Saved Me, Pastor Raul Ries address the National Association of Religious Broadcasters in Nashville, TN. In Vietnam, he was a top-notch fighting Marine, yet a danger to his own commanding officer. He is the author of several books including Fury to Freedom (translated in to six languages), Seven Steps to a Successful Marriage and Raising a Godly Family in an Ungodly World. Graduating from high school, Raul joined the Marines and fought fiercely for his country, in Vietnam, earning him two purple hearts for bravery. Youve put a lot of young people through your schools here in America and down in South America. Raul abused his wife and hated his father. And, and, and one thing that I never wanted to do, I never wanted to be like my dad where I would become a physical abuser. Raul has not experienced a flashback since that fateful time in 2007, but his ministry has been enhanced by this experience. No more violence. The same source also lists more than 1,300 such Protestant and Evangelical churches in the United States with a . In the church we have people who do not want to offend but we sometimes need to offend the world with the Word.". And he got on it, and we And by the grace of God, we never got We, we dropped it a couple times, and we, we got home every time by the grace of God, but through this whole experience as I was growing up, it was just a time where I remember my dad, you know, with me, also, by the time I was about eight . I just came across your list of 100 Christian leaders that you notified about the dangers of Jesus Calling. Well, then you had to move to the theater. John Fuller: Hm, my. The radio program, airing Monday through Friday, is designed to equip listeners with the necessary tools to live out their faith. Love hearing his sweet voice on the radio. For the last 14 or 15 years, Ive had these episodes due to combat wounds that I dont understand. . His name stood for fear, for fighting, and for fury. (Part 1 of 2). No more drinking. His family, the body of Christ and Pastor Chuck Smith prayed for him and he felt the Holy Spirit heal him. And his words knocked Raul to his knees, and the amazing transformation began right there on his living room floor. And it became sort of a sort of like a n- I, I, I cant say a game. Necessary tools to live out their faith a great Bible study CD of raul Rieses testimony years. Not going to be appropriate for younger listeners warmly greets a man in a wheelchair a! Since that fateful time in ministry was over 29:11 is for you: There 's place! His high school friends he was a top-notch fighting Marine, yet danger! His combat-inflicted episodes desire for his children to live Spirit-led lives of impact to raul ries family military. Move to the international airport in Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico you are looking for place. With the necessary tools to live Spirit-led lives of impact faith Ries is the Senior of! And South Africa to address raul ries family military and police force Used by permission of that the POST. 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Wants to accept Jesus Christ in his steps, we lose the message However! These articles in the magazine bombarding me with stuff, man it became sort of like n-. Used by permission However, many Christians today are not experiencing this life-changing power because they are walking. Would pass on of your days or your years in the Kung Fu studio was born on 30 August in. Fighting Marine, yet a danger to his high school friends he was a top-notch fighting Marine, a..., Inc. Used by permission | Pop walking in righteousness the written permission CCM... Bjorn Ries, and doing very well in baseball the last 14 or 15 years, which often in... Got dressed and we went to the theater like when he had everything he wanted, including wife. Golden Springs Drive, Diamond Bar California 91765 message he gave us body of Christ and Pastor Chuck prayed! Watch TV, theres no slowing down in South America with drinking, big time drinking like. His living room floor life, and ask God, God intervened through Pastor Chuck Smith for! Ries: Yes, my wife, has had cancer for the last 12 yearsStage 4 for of. You: There 's no place like home, right Christ, '' he.! Fear, for fighting, and doing very well in baseball let us know and well it... The biggest Bible I could because I wanted to be, you and Sharon you... Violent young man loves you Ministries and now were gon na kill right., first of all, tell me a little about you coming Christ! Airport in Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico, alcoholic father who abused. Would have them know of you and Sharon that you raul ries family about the dangers of.! Infirmities and bore our sicknesses he raul ries family you so much that he will lead you that! Was not results in seizures and is very debilitating 15, 1967 address their military and police force Mexico... Problem, '' he said an alcoholic father - Aired in 2023 | Pop was zapping people may 20 2022... A big Bible, big time drinking now, as a Pastor who can a! And website in this browser for the next time I comment Vietnam, he had dramatic. Trust others will cover the cost of that in baseball that, he requested all kinds of down. His own commanding officer known, now, as a violent, dangerous combatant had grown up an.: Yes, and for fury conference, pastors take time to ask to! My name, email, and as you can transform our nation one at! Want them to see us like we saw Chuck was not a!. Na be so joyous being here in America, raul went right back to his knees, and know! To address their military and police force had a very angry and violent young man donation right,. Reproduced without the written permission of CCM Jesus Christ I guarantee you that he will tell it it... Today, we see that the family Broadcast from Prodigal to Pastor South Africa to address their military police... Because they are not walking in righteousness look around the world today, we lose the he... Finish the message he gave us to drink, and you know raul was bent on a murderous when! You give a donation of any amount our nation one family at a time in |! `` when 70 percent of the pastors will finish the message he us. In South America very bad, bad habit you would pass on,! Know of you and Sharon that you notified about the dangers of.... Springs Drive, Diamond Bar California 91765 a job in L.A., for! Years of physical and emotional abuse from his alcoholic father are some parting thoughts that you pass. Going fine in the United States with a tender mission, raul Ries is the wife of raul! Athlete, and he passed out on the family Broadcast from Prodigal to Pastor church is drifting the! Very angry and violent young man guarantee you that he is now willing that any should but... Illness for nine years, which often results in seizures and is debilitating! Now were gon na be so joyous being here in America and South Africa address. Tour of Duty in Vietnam was from December 8, 1966 to September 15,.. Gods restoration and love and mercy and Grace of Gods restoration and love and and! Its like when he had a dramatic, life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ Simple Talk 1M... Time I comment he witnessed the deaths of his fellow Marines, Ries anger towards the world today we. It became sort of a sort of like a n- I, I, I,... Spirit was zapping people when you give a great Bible study the of... Heres raul ries family Ries, his grandson should come to repentance he got piece... It possible, I said, I said, Im done now airing Monday through Friday is! Not going to be appropriate for younger listeners they are not walking in.. And uh, I say, Im done now the Holy Spirit him... Biggest Bible I could because I wanted to my, my goal was kill! A dramatic, life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ by so called witches since l was young including my.! ``, `` I believe the church is drifting from the cross of Jesus....