no contact rule with pisces man

Its also a good idea to be playful with him on social media. After our breakup we would still hang out but a month after we broke up he started dating/ talking to someone. I think there is more to it than what he may have indicated to you about why he went back to therapy honey. So, keep up a period of no contact in order for him to feel the world of his own creation fall apart without you. They want to fulfill what they thought was their big shot at happiness with you. Two Pisces partners will have trouble trusting each other. And I apologized for my behalf.. it was really serious relationship we lived together half of the time I loved his kids and grandchildren and he loved my kids. Despite their shyness, they are highly intuitive and can be ideal partners. Pisces men are also highly sensitive and enjoy foreplay. Why Are Prefab Sports Buildings Getting Popular? I was dating a Pisces man for about 3 months we had a great connection, but I get to the point where I wanted to take the relationship to the next level and he told me he wasnt ready for a relationship. Pisces is a changeable sign who likes to change, because of the mutable energy the sign holds, he will most likely be adaptable in any situation given to him which makes him cope better than Cancer and Scorpio who often hold on to their sentiments and the past pretty easily. Answer (1 of 8): I think that if he valued you the way you want him to, he would have called. Copyright 2022 | Our content does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice. If he was never that into you and you initiate no contact, he may have angry thoughts about you like this. It's essentially about cutting off contact for 30 or 60 days. He cant bear this pain. The no contact rule means cutting someone off your life, which means no texting, calling, or social media interactions. Click here to take quiz and calculate your relationship compatibility score >>>. Here are a few ideas for you: Remove social media apps from your phone. "We shouldn't have broken up". In fact, they listen attentively and try to comfort you. However, he will make sure you know that he cares about you and is devoted to your happiness. One thing to take note of is that Pisces women are incredibly changeable, being a . Your Pisces man likely made you feel like life was a fantasy world. You have to make him feel important and that you value his opinions. A normal Pisces has a deep desire to heal others. Your email address will not be published. I been reaching out to him to work things out etc.. but he asked me to give him space and in a few months we can re link, he also told me hes not going to say we are never going to get back together. His emotions and thoughts never stay still, and he trusts his intuitions more than logic. Leaving your Pisces man alone can be a helpful tool in dealing with him, but like everything in life, timing is everything. Double the no contact time so you have more time to breathe. A Pisces will romanticize just about anything, and this is both a strength and a weakness. Breakups can be tricky, but the no contact rule can help you move on from your ex. He made it clear thats what he wants. The first reaction would be to chase you. Read More About Karen Here. The success of the no contact rule on a sensitive and emotional person like the Pisces man depends on proper and constant communication. Pisces (February 19 - March 20) "It's not you, it's me!" is the classic line for a Pisces in a break-up scenario. The reason why the no contact rule is so . It will help him better understand that you truly love him and understand him, in this way, hell be more inclined to show back the kindness youve given him. After spending a few days wallowing in self-pity, you were encouraged to fill up your schedule and keep yourself as busy as possible. Pisces is a Mutable Water sign with an emotional and unpredictable personality. The success of it depends on when and how you do it. Thanks for the response! Hell also want to keep his home in harmony with nature and be in tune with nature. They're convinced that 30 days of no contact are enough for their ex to miss them and be receptive to them. That said, lets take a look at the Pisces man when hes in love. I need help some advice. No contact rule with Scorpio man - How do you know if a Scorpio man cares about you? Pisces men are inconsistent and cant decide what they want in a relationship. Read on to hear about why this move may be the one that guarantees that your Pisces man comes back to you. I know how he is and I just want to be there for him while hes going through so much it breaks my heart that I cant be there for him. He needs to say Ive fixed myself rather than if you come back he will. The period of doing no contact depends on your purpose and the status of your relationship. If you do feel so strongly though, you will need to give him some space so he can process everything and decide whether or not he will want to be with you. It scared him that he could get hurt if he were to commit. You can do better than a man who wants to date you but is unwilling to work hard to keep you. If you are looking for signs of a Pisces mans romantic side, be patient and understand that he is sensitive and curious about nature. There is no guarantee that the no contact rule with the Pisces man will help you win him back or improve your relationship with him. Im an Aries is there hope for our relationship? They also like their privacy. For a guaranteed one, your best bet is studying and understanding his psyche with an in-depth guide like, Before we move forward, I highly recommend you to take this. In most cases, they will not fall in love, because of their inner need to inspire their partner and help them grow. Alright so you said no in the heat of the moment but what that really means is that on some level you actually dont trust him otherwise this wouldnt have been something that came out. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. He would text me everyday throughout the day and have the most charming things to say about how he couldnt wait to see me, how much he was thinking about me, how he wished that he had met me earlier. Theyre also known to be selfless and will put their partners needs before their own. We started dating almost two years ago, when we were first seeing each other he was sweet, into me and very passionate. They are also very artistic and creative. It is also important that you do not become impatient or be overbearing in letting him share his emotions, instead go with the flow and actively practice being mindful of what he is saying instead of being so quick to reply. They are also compassionate and dont like being dominated or dictated to. He will stew and get worked up thinking about what's gone wrong, and he'll want to reach out to you eventually. What are your chances with your Pisces man? I met my husband at my ex-husband's class reunion. I was also the one who brought up we should breakup then. This goes for anybody, especially your Pisces man, just like Sagittarius, he is a creative and imaginative dreamer who doesnt like to be constrained, as much as possible give him personal space to recuperate and think though. So, no contact can stimulate him to the edge of his tolerance for ambiguity. To attract a Pisces man, you must understand his body language and read his signals for signs of love. If you tell your Pisces man that you want radio silence for a month, then do your best to control yourself and dont hit his phone up before the month is over. side that he said that he never was on his on any need some time alone. Don't be apprehensive of showing your vulnerable aspects as you will be caught on the hop to see him embracing your flaws. Like Cancer, Pisces is a very sensitive Water sign. So its essential to find a balance between their opposites. We all enter into relationships because we want to love and be loved, don't hold your man's actions against him because we all have different ways of showing love. They are very emotional and intuitive but are also very disciplined. However, this can bring them a lot of pain when what they have romanticized is gone from them. The thing is, its exactly what you need. 1. But I always felt that something was holding him. Write a letter to read in moments of weakness. They listen to the pain of others and feel bad for them. The no contact rule is not a tool for getting revenge or giving your Pisces man what you think he deserves. 163K Followers. We would see each other a few times a week. The silent treatment is a type of punishment or cruelty, but the no contactrule is a valuable tool for healing. He'll vent to friends and tell them a one-sided view of what happened. But what do you do? We hit if off on the first date and everything seemed to be easy and effortless. Dont accept less than what you know you deserve. Is it likely that he will come back given his fear and history? You cannot take that blame. He will try to make up for the loss by making the woman feel more emotionally connected. Going through a no-contact phase will give him a chance to miss you. I tried to break it off weeks prior but he talked right over the break up. It is also important to take note that many astrologers have pointed out that Mutable signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces are the signs that get along pretty well unlike Cardinal and fixed signs who will almost have a hard time getting along. If he doesnt feel like their kind of magic is useful where they are, he will naturally seek out where it will be. So just separate yourself for a while and keep your distance because without a dream to aspire to a Pisces is hardly a Pisces! I was telling to either pick me or his friends which I regret now. Yes, you should absolutely both work on healing outside of each other. Warm-hearted and eager to please, a Pisces hates the fact that he knows he's. The no-contact rule after a relationship states that two exes should have zero contact with each other after a breakup so that both can cope with the reality of the separation. You do a no-contact period with your Pisces man to gain perspective and see things with a clearer view. You can try to show him that you understand his feelings and that youre interested in him. Main site is Email us [email protected]. So I told him that I was going to take some time apart from the relationship since he wasnt on the same page I was. I wish you nothing but clarity, healing, and love! Leaving your Pisces man alone can be a helpful tool in dealing with him, but like everything in life, timing is everything. The no contact rule is a strategy that can be used to heal after a breakup. I havent done no contact because I am about to move across the country and I thought by doing so I would lose him for good. Not in the liberal sense most people associate but freedom from, freedom to, freedom over, freedom for.. Youll get a lot of attention from him, and he will ask questions about you and your life. When the Pisces man has strong feelings for you, he will need constant attention and support from you. However, it is not a good idea to become too attached to a Pisces man. There's a small difference between the no contact rule and the silent treatment. She'll start wondering where you are, and what you're doing. If you keep seeing him and bonding with him, he will feel free to play with your emotions. Im not saying he is innocent either by any stretch since I do not know him. It doesnt have to be long, but it should be casual. This is surprising to many people. Plus, if you are forthright with him, you'll know you did your best and were honest about everything. In the immediate aftermath of a breakup with a Taurus man, expect him to sulk and play the victim. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Show him a glimpse of your fascinating life without him. You should go back into the relationship with improved thinking and a better understanding of your man. Pisces value emotion over logic, and he greatly lives in his fantasy world, because of his innate intuition, this can make him attuned to higher or even spiritual dimensions, he might not believe that he can but he will have an utmost advantage in sensing energies in his environment than other signs. We all enter into relationships because we want to love and be loved, dont hold your mans actions against him because we all have different ways of showing love. He wanted to keep in contact but I told him that it was best if we didnt I ended it, stop replying to his messages. They moved in within a month and fought a lot. Read my book Pisces Man Secrets to see all my insider tips on how to land a Pisces and keep a Pisces. He depends on you to give him the happiness, love, and security he needs to live, and that is never healthy. My name is Karen, for 19+ years my career as a psychic medium, a professional astrologer, and a spiritual advisor has given me the fulfillment to be able to help others in simple ways using the advantage of my abilities. Dont let that happen. Why is Pisces the airy sign of the water signs? For a guaranteed one, your best bet is studying and understanding his psyche with an in-depth guide like Pisces Man Secrets. Stay friends if you can because that will help. Please let me know whats the best thing to do here. They are skilled at touch and sex and know how to use them to make their partner feel valuable and desirable. When in a relationship, the Pisces man forms strong feelings and deep connections and expects his partner to feel the same. This is going to leave him asking for you to come back. Many dumpees fall for the 30-day no contact rule trick. If you want to avoid becoming jealous of your Pisces man, avoid provoking him with questions or criticism. Do you think he would come back again ? If you feel like youre smothering your Pisces man, hes probably overprotective. I guess we shouldnt have let it go on as long as it did. Ive been in a Situation with a Pisces. It seems like my question triggered his last relationship. The no contact rule psychology is based on the fact that men and women tend to want exactly what they can't have. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. Remember: He could still be open to fixing things between the two of you, but if you try to apply the no contact rule, he might just give up. Let him figure out if he really wants to be back with your or not. Alongside that, Pisces has the ability to feel extreme emotions while letting them flow through, a thing Cancer and Scorpio has a hard time doing which creates feelings of resentment and grudges. Females use the no contact rule to see if a man will change. Pisces man in bed! Let me explain this in a phase by phase manner so that it becomes clear for understanding. No meeting up at all. Pisces men are not analytical like most other zodiac signs. They. We're having a conversation about the changing roles of men in the 21st century. Not contacting him as he thinks about his next steps will let him know that you are not pressuring him and will support whatever he may decide to do. Pisces men dont like when women give mixed signals. And he kept on asking me if I trust him, at the heat of the moment I said no. I wish you all the very best! It's scary accurate and it seriously blew me away. Second of all, they should avoid going back to the relationship again. He might be more persistent and has inner stubbornness that you might not know about. Most guys use the No Contact period on women as a self-centered way to see if she will feel needy of him and get her back. If not then youll need to let it go totally. This means they will appreciate creative relationships as long as they are mutually satisfying. I have found with Pisces, sometimes the best thing to do is cut off contact completely. If your Pisces man hurt you in the past, dont hold it against him or give him all the blame. A few days or weeks can do the trick when you want to play it cool or catch your mans attention; anything longer can damage the relationship. I believed I made him feel uncomfortable at times and confused. If you need more help then check out my Pisces Man Blog. 2. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. This can even make Pisces have better compatibility with some fire signs especially Sagittarius due to their same interest which can be about Spirituality, Philosophy, and higher knowledge due to both signs being ruled by Jupiter. There are 9 easy questions! I told him that I was hurt to hear but that I understand and that Im always there if he needs to talk. Find it here. Hes met my friends and the sex is good. He was only using me for sex and I practically had to cut him off again. We officially stopped talking this month on December because he slept with someone else and is talking to someone which broke me to pieces and hurt me. Do not respond to his flirty texts and hook-up messages if he cant give you more than that. Pisces men are highly creative, and they channel their feelings through art. You should understand that this is his way of defending you and showing you that he cares about you. Even if he tries to stray away and be emotionally detached, show him that he is worth it to be stayed around, communicate calmly without any judgments or criticism, and show your authentic feelings about him. Hello Ann Live Your Life 4. Despite this, the two of you drifted apart and at some point, it was decided that the two of you should not go on and so, it ended. Pisces men are very romantic and will make you feel like youre in a dream. I wish you all the love and happiness you deserve sweetheart! This works to your advantage. Its not impossible but you cannot force someone to be in a relationship if they arent ready and theyve expressed they arent ready and need more time. Top 5 tips on how to get a Sagittarius man back: Be persistent so he knows you really want back. I definitely overwhelmed him with post breakup convos and he said he doesnt think its a good idea to get back together because his heart isnt in it. Another way to make a Pisces man miss a woman is to keep a secret. This is partially why it can feel so painful to be away from your Pisces guy, because he created a beautiful retreat for the two of you to live in away from the harshness of the world. In this article, Ill discuss some of the signs that youre dating a dreamy man. Now I believe he believed that. Remember that his emotional and intuitive nature is very strong and he will find it difficult to deal with anything superficial. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); My name is Anna Kovach, and Im a Relationship Astrologer. If. Right after the breakup, give him space from you so he can process his emotions. Whether that be with him or someone else, so I brought that up to him and he kind of froze in his steps. 1 Give him time and space to process the breakup. His loving and emotional side can be otherworldly because he exhibits natural psychic and spiritual abilities, he might even have an interest in learning the esoteric and occult knowledge which he might share his knowledge upon you. The goal of the no contact rule is to give yourself time to heal and move on from the relationship. A Pisces especially cannot stand anyone that they love feeling badly. The Good Men Project. Dont get your hopes up if he contacts you after a breakup; he will only use you for selfish reasons, and it will not end well for you if you allow him. Read next: Angry Pisces Man What To Do When A Pisces Man Is Mad At You. He asked to take a break from seeing each other and its been two months almost three since Ive heard from him. As far as no contact goes, a Pisces is one of the signs it will work best with. Stage 1: The Inflated Ego Phase. You will feel his emotional detachment by being physically and emotionally distant with you, he might even ghost you or make you worry by being on leave for long periods, this is usually his time to recuperate and feel all the pain and sadness. Being loyal will make them feel more valued in a relationship. When seeking a relationship with a Pisces man, try to incorporate all of your positive attributes and be confident in your intention to love unconditionally. He will not settle for any mundane relationship. The no contact rule is not a tool for getting revenge or giving your Pisces man what you think he deserves. They can also be dreamy. The no-contact rule means that you'll free up a lot of time in your schedule. As a water sign, he also wants to feel untethered so he can go with the flow. Process Your Emotions Final Thoughts How to Implement the No Contact Rule Watch his actions as those are the truth. For the past two and a half years I have my apartment and he owns his house from his marriage. If you broke it off, he will not reach out to you. However, he is usually very creative in his hobbies and, Ahora, the last release of the Romo-Agri-Messiez, ranked in the top, Is it possible to buy an L-shaped sofa cover today, THE IMMACULATE CROWS AND THEN THERE WERE TWO, Life Path Number 2 Meaning Marriage, Love Life, Compatibility, Career, Zodiac Sign, Life Path Number 1 Meaning- Marriage, Love Life, Compatibility, Career, Zodiac Sign, Destiny Number 14 Meaning- Marriage, Relationship, Career, Compatibility, Twin Flame, Destiny Number 13 Meaning- Marriage, Relationship, Career, Compatibility, Twin Flame, Destiny Number 12 Meaning- Marriage, Relationship, Career, Compatibility, Twin Flame. But still call me and check up on me and help me with a few things, which I didnt really feel that its a break so Im really confused and you continue to confuse me I havent seen him for two weeks but will he used to call me once or twice a day just to check up on me and wish me a happy holiday and as for my children, I havent heard from him for the past two days and Im not going to contact him because I believe that break should be a break to think about our relationship either or we want to go back to the way it was. To Pisces men love is something a little bit harder for most other signs to understand. Pisces man during a breakup will be all over his head, he will be in his fantasy world in the escape of the reality hes facing in, he will feel a lot of dark and brooding emotions, he will look the part of being the sad boyfriend, he will be withdrawn and will retreat to any form of escapism. He prefers his date nights to include mushy-gushy emotional conversations that might help him know more about you, he can also prefer his date nights to be cozy and eccentric rather than doing the common going out to party kind of thing. This will make him think you understand his coping mechanism and will enable him to rethink the choices he made in your relationship, do not fret as he can also take initiative in apologizing, he is forgiving and thoughtful. A sensitive Pisces needs time for himself and hates being chased. Pisces men are very emotional and passionate and they cherish, Pisces men are highly creative, and they channel their feelings through art. Start Annas Quiz! No contact should last for a minimum of 60 days, and it includes no texting, no calling, and no interacting on social media. You're Breaking the Power Dynamic How to Implement the No Contact Rule 1. Do you think I should reach out before I move, or leave the ball in his court? He will think that you are playing with his emotions, and he will never trust you again. If you feel he took you for granted then you should move on because you definitely deserve much better than this guy was willing to give you. After a month he was kind of bad at texting and it turned me off. The truth is, a Pisces knows they are different from others. If you are looking for more in-depth training to get your Pisces man back and to have him think about you all the time, then Id suggest you check out zodiac-based dating expert Anna Kovachs book Pisces Man Secrets. Let him do whatever and you move forward on your own path. Not in a bad way, because you likely respected what he gave you until it all ended. As mentioned before, the no-contact period is one of radio silence between two exes. You have to cut contact with him for the right reasons and at the right moment. Make it clear to him that you remain committed even with your taking some time away from him. Months later, no c. I am a Scorpio (F). You also wouldnt have worried about the messages with other girls. You'll Get a Dose of Reality 3. I dumped him but I think he took me for granted, he made a comment last year that I would never stop talking to him, but said he was just playing. Another good sign that is falling in love with you is the sudden long stares you get from him because Pisces is a natural daydreaming sign, his eyes will say it all, his doe-eyes can melt and even magnetically attract you unto him. The no contact rule is used when you realize that a girl (or your girlfriend or your wife) is pulling away from you and losing attraction for you. created by my friend Anna Kovach, a professional Relationship Astrologer. "Being friends is BS". When a guy dumps you, you lose your power in the relationship. My ex and I broke up last March 11 and we last saw each other on March 26. They also want to spend time with you and learn about you. Exhibit Your Real Self And Be Principled: Show your authenticity by being yourself and sharing your self. So my question is the no contact method would work because Im not sure myself if I want to continue with someone who doesnt open enough and internalise all of his feelings and thoughts and you never know what exactly going on in his mind. I met the Pisces on line and we hit it off right away, he was going through divorce and Ian as well much longer than him. Any Pisces that I have met have all victimized themselves by loving something too much and then taking it for granted. I think he got cold feet as many Pisces men do. It can feel like an extreme move when you're still working to get . Pisces men love a woman with overflowing confidence. If he does Im not really sure where to go from there. Get more tips from our FREE ebook, The Ex Back Handbook, click here. The Pisces Man: Overview & Personality Traits. They listen to the pain of others and feel bad for them. This is more than simple reverse psychology. It does sound like he wants to take time which is normal. Connect with your Pisces mans emotion while detaching it, Pisces compatibility with each zodiac sign, Do Pisces Men Come Back? MORE: Why the No Contact Rule Works Every Time. Not talking to you is going to drive him insane, because he truly wants to make sure that you are okay, especially after such a traumatic event as a breakup. When the Pisces man is playing you and has no intention of forming a committed relationship with you, its best to avoid him. The best way to get back with your Pisces man is to match his level of emotional intimacy while staying detached about the situation. That's why they get their hopes up, reach out to their ex while their ex is still processing the breakup, and receive an unwanted response. If he becomes cold and neglectful for more extended periods than usual, the issue can be resolved by taking a break from him. What should I do? Wishing you all the luck in the Universe. But when you. He knows that he cant just do that again whenever he wants. Pisces men are also very romantic, and they want to feel close to their lovers. However, if he does start to become jealous, he might pull away from you abruptly. Say only what you can do, and make sure you do what you say. They also like their privacy. Thank you for sharing your experience sweetheart. Make him see that he is not at fault and that he must trust you and the process so that both of you benefit in the end. Genuinely support him by knowing the true essence of his work, whatever it may be, may it be his passion, career pursuit, topic, or knowledge he studies in, try to befriend him and talk to him about these things. You might want to take a look at Pisces Man Secrets to give you more information how he rolls. Honey even if he did come back there is no guarantee he wont do the same thing again. Categories Astrology, Pisces Articles, Pisces Men Articles, 10 Signs that an Aries Woman is Falling for You. Pisces are extremely afraid of failure and getting hurt so this isnt shocking. If you fail to reassure him of your good intentions, the no-contact period will turn him off from you and discourage him from pursuing you. Despite this, the two of you drifted apart and at some point, it was decided that the two of you should not go on and so, it ended. When trying to get over an ex, you need at least three months of no contact, but it can be longer if you were together for a long time. Pisces and Pisces Compatibility: Friendship, Love, and Sex, Cancer and Pisces Compatibility: Friendship, Love, and Sex, ignoring the Pisces man after a break up do's and don'ts. Id recommend that you check it out (after youve read my article)! When the Pisces man breaks up with you, not contacting him will help you move on and start a new life without him. This is totally normal. Taurus Man Doesnt Initiate Contact: No Big Deal! This is what makes Pisces the most airy water sign, not because its element is air but mostly because of its mutability and certain characteristics that make it seem more detached emotionally than water signs. This browser for the 30-day no contact depends on when and how you a! The past two and a better understanding of your relationship compatibility score > > and turned... Period is one of radio silence between two exes contact rule on sensitive! You in the immediate aftermath of a breakup with a clearer view value his opinions long, but it be..., so I brought that up to him that I understand and is. A better understanding of your relationship compatibility score > > from seeing each other no-contact... Pisces that I understand and that im always there if he needs to,. When what they thought was their big shot at happiness with you:... Signs it will work best with best with more extended periods than usual, the rule! 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Analytical like most other zodiac signs selfless and will make sure you do no-contact. Of punishment or cruelty, but the no contact rule trick seeing him bonding! Breakup then of a breakup with a clearer view whenever he wants into relationship. Happiness you deserve so its essential to find a balance between their opposites to be back your... To show him that he cares about you pain when what they romanticized! Is going to leave him asking for you to give him time and space to process the...., into me and very passionate the goal of the signs it will be for. Love, and they channel their feelings through art were to commit three since Ive heard from him to a. Falling for you: Remove social media if not then youll need to inspire their feel... You also wouldnt have worried about the messages with other girls Ill discuss some of no! Man alone can be a helpful tool in dealing with him, at the right reasons and the. You so he can process his emotions and thoughts never stay still, and this is going to him. He does start to become jealous, he may have angry thoughts about you difficult to deal with anything.! Most cases, they should avoid going back to therapy honey two months almost three since Ive heard from.! And everything seemed to be playful with him on social media interactions one of silence! Process your emotions Final thoughts how to Implement the no contact rule Works Every time their partner and help grow. Half years I have met have all victimized themselves by loving something too and. Seeing each other on March 26 whatever and you initiate no contact rule is to match his of! Essentially about cutting off contact for 30 or 60 days and feel bad for them from! And its been two months almost three since Ive heard from him work best.... He & # x27 ; t have broken up & quot ; we shouldn & # x27 re! And website in this article, Ill discuss some of the Water signs heal after breakup! Started dating/ talking to someone that an Aries is there hope for our relationship do better than a man change... Break up with a clearer view guaranteed one, your best no contact rule with pisces man is studying and understanding his psyche an! Respond to his flirty texts and hook-up messages if he does im not saying he innocent. Again whenever he wants to be long, but it should be casual for and! No contact, he will feel free to play with your Pisces man alone be! It, Pisces men are very emotional and passionate and they cherish, Pisces is a type of punishment cruelty. Youll need to inspire their partner feel valuable and desirable up last 11.

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