internal business processes influence all of the following except

E) e-government. In addition, he . C) encouraging good communication and mutual participation. D) Ask everyone to put on their work calendars the time they arrive and the time they leave, so they know you are checking on them. He is distraught and anxious about how he will pay his bills and make ends meet. A) setting realistic performance results. E) Privacy law, What is the most important function of an enterprise application? B. Without adhering to such regulations a company can be fined extensively which if it was bad enough could cause the company to shut down. A) suppliers. C) Because national economies are more interconnected, if one takes a downturn all take a downturn. Installing quality-control procedures that can be audited by independent quality-control experts is fundamental to C) cash What signs should she watch for from him? C) Range of variation D) The Internet D) crafting a course of action. As such, it provides essential information for the following objectives except A. C) decentralized Political, social and legal environment: The environment of the organization is also an influencing factor for the recruiting. A) informational A) unrealistic standards. C) They offer services that are highly perishable. Using the Internet to buy or sell goods is called: All of the following are competitive forces in Porter's model except: If he finds any, he makes adjustments to various pieces of equipment in his area. C) ERP, SCM, DSS, and CRM. 2 It focuses strictly on observable behavior, not thought and emotion. In others, improvements made to other processes may incidentally lead to better cross-team collaboration, overall. C) monthly. A) E-commerce is affected by the law of diminishing returns. The auditor accepts a referral of a new client from an existing client. Why is it important to control the supply chain? E) FTP, Competitors were seeking which of the following business objectives when they rushed to provide ATMs after Citibank introduced the first ATMs in New York? B) Apple's iPod and iTunes. A(n) ________ budget allocates resources on the basis of a single estimate of costs. E) Market, Which of the following areas of control for organizations exerts informal control? E) identifying the potential consequences of your options. E) producing effective long-term results, A) ignoring the more important and difficult activities. E) to quantify the performance level for a given goal, D) to establish the normal or desired performance with upper and lower limits. Which of the following U.S. laws gives patients access to personal medical records and the right to authorize how this information can be used or disclosed? In digital firms, both _____________ and _____________ are the norm. What appears to be occurring at the local level is that city and county managers and their legislative boards are increasingly using the budget to better understand how citizens, rather than internal participants, see government. C) "I am so glad that job is over. The idea is that this more quantitative stance will lead to more consistent performance, which in turn leads to more stable and predictable results. Which of the following is a primary function of management? As a result, they admitted many students who were marginally qualified and who performed poorly in classes. D) financial perspective Recently, the purchase of a 14-ounce bag of M&Ms Plain had 444 candies with the following breakdown by color: 130 brown, 98 yellow, 96 red, 35 orange, 52 blue, and 33 green. So, to start with, improving your business processes will all but ensure youre actually using your resources as youd anticipated. In a literal sense, though, your organization does muchmore than that. A) bureaucratic Whats more, enabling and empowering your employees will make them happier and more loyal to your company. A ________ pulls data in real time from software and displays it in easy-to-read graphics. Its also important to stay focused on the task at hand once you get started. E) Evaluate performance and take action. The Theory of Constraints is all about identifying the root cause of a performance issue then working relentlessly to remove this main problem for good. These risks can be forecasted with some reliability, and therefore, a. Finally, think about the ripple effects of improving each of these areas and whether fixing certain issues in a specific order might be most beneficial. Stewart believes that putting additional resources into R&D and staying ahead of the competition with technological innovations is critical to implementing its strategy. How would you describe her level of control? Its these ongoing tasks that make your company what it is and that determine how successful your company can be. D) capital expenditures budget These factors after being figured out are grouped into strengths and weaknesses of the company. D) measuring performance C) response time Work Place Environment. True or False. At the very least, youll be minimizing the number of resources wasted. C) explains the importance of their personal relationships with clients. E) strategic control. D) Business processes are usually ensconced in an organization's culture. Many professors complained that their time would be better spent preparing for their courses. C) making information available to everyone. B) identifying the stakeholders. ________ is defined as monitoring performance, comparing it with goals, and taking corrective action as needed. Our self-concept represents a major influence on how we perceive others. A) Web beacon B) physical Education influences health outcomes through ALL of the following mechanisms EXCEPT. c. internal influences Hannah believes that Mac computers are better than Windows-based computers because they are not as vulnerable to computer viruses.This thinking or mental processes that Hannah is engaged in represents which psychological element? Naseef Asad invested $75,000 in the Lionel and Morehouse partnership for ownership equity of$75,000. D) taking corrective action E) to characterize informal structural arrangements, B) to view performance in several areas simultaneously, Which of the following is NOT a belief measure on the balanced scorecard in relation to customers? D) a strategic scorecard For one, its just easier to jump back into a process when only one part of the plan isnt going well. Roberta, a customer service manager, tracks monthly complaints and has been trying over the past six months to reduce complaints to less than 0.2 percent through additional training for her staff. See Figure 4-4. Evan accidentally quoted a customer a price for new flooring that was more than $1,000 less than the actual price. B) is flexible toward changing environmental demands. C) longer cycle times He is meeting with a head hunter later in the week. A department store creating specialized products for preferred customers. ", B) "I was able to learn from this experience. A) Increasing speed of communicating D) CTO. But there are a few steps between improving business processes and improving business performance that are worth calling attention to. These types of regulations influence every process of the HR department, including hiring, training, compensation, termination, and much more. D) process D) verifies that generally accepted accounting principles have been followed D) statistical process control. D) manages data entry staff. B) market D) making customers aware of the product. Obviously, working to improve your customer-facing processes (e.g., sales engagements, user onboarding, customer service, etc.) E) variable. Thomas Friedman's description of the world as "flat" refers to: D) Improved employee morale C) a cycle using observed data for continuous improvement of operations B) As a major cost center, it is important to pay attention to the sourcing, shipping, and warehousing. C) mass customization In some cases, your BPI initiatives will focus on improving communication-specific workflows (e.g., adding new chat tools, refining contact protocols, etc.). F The goal of open-book management is to get every employee thinking and acting like a business owner. E) capital, Charmaine was required to take an Excel spreadsheet test as part of her application for an executive assistant position. A) internal business process perspective E) fostering synergies among departments. D) local suppliers. B) Take a learning orientation approach which engages in self-development. B) big data. A) e-mail encryption. C) overemphasis on means instead of ends A) employee retention 24) To further company strategy, measures on the balanced scorecard would most likely include: Macon is clearly operating with the use of a(n) ________ budget. To do this, teams often create a fishbone diagram using the 6Ms of Six Sigma. C) It will require new hires with new skill sets. Learn how Brixly instantly achieved a positive ROI after introducing Helpjuice to their customer service processes. A business process is a series of inter-connected tasks performed for a specific purpose. A) feedforward. A) Operational excellence She has noticed that one of her employees submits via the computer system the same suggestions for continuous improvement multiple times, knowing that performance is evaluated on the number of suggestions only. B) human resources B) SCM, CRM, ESS, and KMSs. Which of the following best expresses the utilitarian principle in evaluating this situation? One of the most popular candies in the United States is M&Ms, which are produced by the Mars Company. A) cloud computing. Jared Spool is arguably the most well-known name in the field of design and user experience. C) Perform a strategic systems analysis True or False, The use of computers to assemble data from different sources to create digital dossiers of detailed information about individuals is known as which of the following? It addresses providing service and support to the customer after the sale. D) informational B) a comprehensive approach dedicated to continuous quality improvement, training, and customer satisfaction D) Trade secret protection Information systems enable globalization. D) cost reductions, 12) Measures of the balanced scorecard's customer perspective include: C) CIO E) replication of business models in multiple countries. B) e-business. C) comparing performance to standards D) too little employee participation D) preventing client computers from accepting cookies. True or False, Identifying customers is a business process handled by the human resources function. Measuring and evaluating performances. In the VALS framework, two segments stand apart based on their abundance or lack of psychological, physical, and material __________. Walmart's continuous replenishment system allows it to do all of the following except: D) Benchmark A. Notions of time Culture is the unseen thread that binds people together. Throughout the last 60 years, the United States has had an interesting track record in regard to productivity. E) too much flexibility. When describing Deming's principles to a colleague, which of the following would you NOT discuss? B) establishing standards Despite their variations, each methodology adheres to the principles of lean operations: While the methodologies discussed above differ in many ways, you probably noticed some considerable overlap between them. E) presenting data in understandable terms. A) strategic and results-oriented C) using the graphical elements of another product. B) Successful implementation requires commitment and leadership from top management. D) flexible and encourages self-control D) people orientation and improvement orientation. Note that, while some of these causes may be rather quick to fix, others may require a more formalized BPI approach, themselves. Justin Lionel and Courtney Morehouse share net income in a 2:1 ratio. D) Day-to-day processes of production It is a term used to describe the pattern of human activities. C) access. 18) Which of the following is NOT true of a good balanced scorecard? C) global suppliers. D) tactical The internal business environment comprises of factors within the company which impact the success and approach of operations. A) expense budget D) It uses nonfinancial measures to serve as leading indicators of future financial performance. (In short: Implement strategic change management.). Vivian has just been promoted to management after years of working at the company. E) matrix, At Hamilton Hardware, employees were asked how the quality of the company's customer service could best be measured, and management then implemented a survey system based on the feedback. D) Manufacturing and production A) unitary Essentially, the agile approach to BPI involves: The idea behind agile is to make the most immediately practical and impactful improvement possible at any given moment. He had compiled his receipts, his employee's time sheets, the invoices he has sent to his suppliers and his bills that he owed others. E) balance sheet, Which of the following is NOT characteristic of an external audit? Which of the following may lead to competitive advantage? An informal group can be considered to be an organization. Ethics describes the principles of right and wrong that can be used by individuals to make choices to guide their behavior. Made with from Miami, Bosnia, Morocco & Brazil, DSI adopted Helpjuices knowledge base software, a positive ROI after introducing Helpjuice, Making iterative, prioritized improvements to a given process, Using collaborative sprints to make singular, laser-focused improvements to the process, Quickly pivoting to higher-priority tasks as they become known, Focusing too heavily on symptoms while ignoring the root cause, Investing too heavily into a minimum-impact initiative, Identify and prioritize areas in need of improvement, Gauging the effectiveness of your efforts, and making plans for the future, Centralize processes and information across platforms, Maximize visibility of data and processes for all stakeholders, Which business processes are in need of improvement, and, Which of these areas should be your top priority, Which problem youre most equipped to handle, The cost of fixing each issue youve discovered, Which problems, when fixed, will lead to the best outcomes for your business, A list of the team members and resources involved, Diagrams, illustrations, videos, and other multimedia illustrating the process. D) customer-retention percentage, 17) Measures of the balanced scorecard's learning-and-growth perspective include all of the following EXCEPT: A) communicating B) globalizing C) cooperating D) organizing E) influencing D) organizing Productivity equals A) labor, capital, energy, and materials, divided by goods and services produced. The supervisor observed him while he tried it again and gave suggestions for improvement. E) the increased use of global currencies. Ask yourself: (Note: You may already have this background info in hand from previous steps.). Encouraging the sharing of knowledge across business units. Mistletoe still has control problems, however, because its managers refuse to act on the information they receive. A) Copyright law B) fixed E) too much control, Recruiters for Eastern Shore University were under extreme pressure to increase enrollment by 15 percent. A) the distinction between tangible and intangible ideas. This situation is an example of which barrier to successful control? Well that is the line I would erase. E) cash, At Taylor Activewear, orders have significantly exceeded projections, and Macon, the operations director, has decided to hire for a third shift in the plant. As shown above, organizations typically invest in technology to: The following, then, are all but essential to your BPI efforts: While we touched on some of the key steps for improving business processes when discussing methodologies, lets now take a more comprehensive look at what these all entail. C) Opt-out program As well discuss, improving your bottom line is the main reason youd decide to improve a process in the first place. A) Kant's categorical imperative A) MBO Data is information that has been shaped into a form that is meaningful to human beings. E) CKO, According to ________, you should take the action that produces the least harm. Organizations moving towards adopting sustainable business development has become a necessity. B) market share B) changing conditions. But, when things are running well enough, it can be hard to notice when processes arent running as optimally as they could be. Position influence. Business processes are typically unaffected by changes in information systems. Types of media that can influence ones social . Develop a chart depicting this information and write a paragraph summarizing the results. E) Knowledge workers, A key word in social business is "conversations." Giving them additional time and resources to improve, Introducing new technology to your tech stack, How you can improve the process even further, How other processes have been enabled by your efforts, Where you should shift your focus to next. E) His action is wrong, because the grocery store owner is harmed. The three activities in an information system that produce the information organizations use to control operations are: Advertisers use ________ in order to display more relevant ads based on a user's search and browsing history. ________ is the amount of acceptable deviation from a standard, determined when the standard was established. D) It increases employee commitment and workers taking responsibility for their performance. Now, youll need to set goals for your BPI initiative. D) incremental A) strengthen ties to its customers. In other words, lean focuses on perfecting your current processes before you begin thinking of adding even more complexity to the mix. Order fulfillment involves all of the following business processes except: A) writes software instructions for computers. A) external perspective True or False, A firm that invests in an information system because it is a necessity of doing business does so because it is seeking to achieve which of the following business objectives? A climate of trust is enhanced when leaders: A. Micromanage. Computer abuse refers to acts involving a computer that may not be illegal but are considered unethical. Spam is legally defined as any e-mail that is unsolicited. "Since using Helpjuice, we've seen a lower AHT for our calls. Monitoring performance to ensure that day-to-day goals are being implemented and taking corrective action as needed is known as ________ control. C) to save companies in payroll costs E) KMS. Q. Ideally, personal finance is a process of management and planning that anticipates or keeps abreast with changes. A successful organization can involve its employees in the control system in all of the following ways EXCEPT Acknowledge when there has been a previous breach of trust. In short, an internal business process is anything your business "does". On just the surface, then, optimizing these workflows will enable your employees to make the most use of their knowledge, skills, and abilities. B. B) income statement. D) Align processes with goals. B) functional D) financial control cost systems Maintaining the current level of resources utilization as well as internal and external communication. Which of the following statements about digital firms is not true? IT governance refers to the overall decision-making that guides the IT strategy of a firm. E) They require controls at many different points. B) anonymous surfing. (Incidentally, these issues are likely impacting many other areas of your organization, as well.). B) number of new products A) measurement of quantifiable goals and quick corrections. It likely goes without saying, but the use of automation and other technology is a huge part of improving your business processes. For more than a decade, he has beena witty, powerful voice for why UX is critical to value creation within businesses. As time goes on, its important to keep close tabs on your teams efforts to improve. Simon's job involves She is engaged in. The most effective type of personal influence to use when buy-in is required is: A. Interpersonal influence. D) fixed C) A bookseller selling an e-book reader that reads only the bookseller's books. C) on the ISP's servers. C) The Internet C) the utilitarian principle C) production schedule Internal Factors Organizations have control over the internal factors that affect their recruitment functions. D) Cause-and-effect linkages may not be precise and should evolve over time. E) too little participation. Once youre sure your documentation is accurate, you can then assess the process objectively and comprehensively. Resources 6. Formerly an engineer, Jared started working in UX in 1978, founded UIE (User Interface Engineering) in 1988, and has helped establish the field over the last 30 years. C) to recognize and reinforce positive performance D) the RATER system. E) They require controls at many different points. E) making changes, How is a control chart used? E) costs, tasks, structure, and management. E) low-cost leadership, You are consulting for a natural food products distributor who is interested in determining the benefits it could achieve from implementing new information systems. D) competitive E) balance sheet. C) feedback. E) CIO. D) Video Privacy Protection Act B) Business processes are a collection of standard operating procedures. Why does Amazon need to worry about competitors in online shopping? A) programmer. Practically speaking, it can lead to better internal communication and company culture in direct and indirect ways. Internal impacts The internal factors refer to anything within the company and under the control of the company no matter they are tangible or intangible. D) fixed budget. E) controlling productivity. Provide the journal entry to admit Asad. To achieve our firm's vision and strategy: 8) Identify the best description of the balanced scorecard's internal business processes perspective. A) evaluating budget-to-actual variances B) quality. Tasks, technology, people, and structure. Unlike the external environment, the company has control over. A) A car manufacturer's Web site that lets you customize the features on the car you are purchasing. B) restructuring. E) too little participation. E) 1, 2, and 3. C) learning and growth perspective C) anonymous email. D) increases in transaction costs. B) reduction of labor costs through outsourcing. The Follower. The organization's processes and procedures for conducting praject work during Executing Monitoring, and Controlling include all of the following EXCEPT A B. C. D. Change control procedure. Start by looking at things from the top down. D) evaluation. 1. B) manufacturing quality A) operating income In short, an internal business process is anything your business does. The company has overcome which of the following barriers to success of control systems? C) Competitive advantage Although everyone is different, some financial concerns are common to or typical of the different stages of adult life. D) first-level managers. D) They are providing performance feedback. E) radical innovation and continuous improvement. D) physical C) Compare performance to standards. On the surface, this simply means taking whats not working and figuring out how to make it work. A) product differentiation C) income statement. Which of the following is NOT one of the seven challenges a manager must deal with in the 21st century? Customer perception is a process where a customer . B) market niche B) competitive advantage Araceli has a new manager who she suspects might be a micromanager. B) The opt-in model Projects are influenced by factors internal and external to the organization, these are known as EEF Enterprise Environmental Factors (EEF). Internal Process: views the quality and efficiency of an organization's performance related to the product, services, or other key business processes Organizational Capacity (or Learning & Growth): views human capital, infrastructure, technology, culture, and other capacities that are key to breakthrough performance Learn more A) providing better reporting facilities. Recently productivity has been declining globally. How would you describe King Power and Light's control system? True or False, Most transaction processing systems use sophisticated mathematical models or statistical techniques. C) ero-based Here, well look at five BPI methodologies commonly used by small, growing businesses today. B) Computer chip C) ratio analysis The more variables you add to the mix, the harder it will be to measure the impact your efforts have on your operations. This theory holds that we learn all our behaviors from interacting with our environment. Which of the following is a step in the control process? A) Remind them you are now the boss and ask to be copied on everything. Internal business processes influence all of the following EXCEPT Join over 1000+ companies already growing with Helpjuice. Values that influence decision-making. All efforts to improve your business processes must be backed by no, driven by data and other hard evidence. D) customer (This is most important when making changes to high-stakes processes, like customer service or accounting.). Hence basic needs and security needs have the power to motivate a consumer to buy products and services. C) It is temporary and in service of someone else. A) TPS B) Internet technologies are universal, and therefore usable by all companies. E) COPPA. A) Profiling This organization has overcome the control system barrier of A) IoT. This is an example of which problem associated with control systems? E) innovation. Which of the following best illustrates the use of information systems to focus on market niche? D) control chart A) Amazon's one-click shopping. D) Freedom of Information Act A) internal business process perspective Using the above example, you can transform the basic goal of decreasing invoice errors by answering the following questions: On top of giving you clear goals to strive for, being this comprehensive will help you assess your improvement efforts over time. B) acts as liaison between the information systems group and the rest of the organization. C) identifying the options you can reasonably take. C) employee-driven What is a set? A) Quality should be aimed at the needs of the consumer. Check out our favorites, Some of the best case studies to improve your knowledge base. A) They cannot hold inventory. D) An extranet Which, in most cases, is the response theyd be looking for. D) overemphasis on one instead of multiple approaches. TQM's two core principles are They kept us so isolated that we never even met the clients." From there, its on to the next business process in need of improvement. Indicate which digit in 2,345,925 has place value A) a strategic map E) Machines. B) Behavioral targeting program That said, the initial focus of lean BPI is on removing friction while maintaining your current productivity levels. D) Bureaucratic C) Satellite radio Dermot just learned that his company is closing, and all the employees will be laid off. Shareholders and owners. A) capturing. E) ethical. Examples of external EEFs are political and . D) feedback. That said, you ultimately want to get to a point where everyone is naturallyoperating to their highest capacity. A) Six Sigma. For nonroutine decision making, senior managers rely on management information systems. A) creating new opportunities for building loyal customer bases. D) Airline This control is part of the ________ area. Depending on the situation, enabling your team may involve: You might need to let your team practice implementation of the new process before actually doing so. C) Spamming E) nowhere, because they are only used during a visit and are discarded once a visitor leaves the Web site. Both your customers, and employees can now access information within seconds! True or False. D) Quality can be improved on the basis of hard data. No matter the scope, though, the keys to successful implementation are to equip and enable your team members, and to facilitate engagement and growth throughout your organization. C) external audit. 20) The return-on-investment ratio is an example of a balanced-scorecard measure of the: E) Digital firms have more flexibility to survive in turbulent times. C) learning and growth perspective A) Control of the supply chain influences the work processes and levels of performance through a set of accepted norms. True or False, The law of diminishing returns only applies to digital products. C) reduced cycle time. C) IoT. True or False, Operational managers use ESS primarily to solve specific problems. A) Automotive a. Identify three environmental factors influenced by family that affect human behavior. C) Competitive advantage D) defect rates, 16) Measures of the balanced scorecard's learning-and-growth perspective include: C.Resource availability control and assignment management. All of the following are steps in the process for analyzing an ethical issue except: D) to establish the normal or desired performance with upper and lower limits will have a direct impact on their overall experience with your brand. Customer satisfaction is an important focus for marketers because. When your team does get thrown off course, though, youll be better equipped to handle the ordeal whether formally or informally. D) safety. D) organizational chart D) financial B) making more products available. b. B) Knowledge and data workers in an organization B) Customer and supplier intimacy Charlotte is trying to measure her salon's productivity during the first quarter. Used by small, growing businesses today the basis of a firm time from software and displays it in graphics! To success of control systems has control problems, however, because the grocery store owner is.... Or keeps abreast with changes ) Behavioral targeting program that said, you should take the that... 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What Is The Marginal Relative Frequency, Articles I