Rent and save from the world's largest eBookstore. sometimes, hel&ing mortals 2ntil one day, : 0erse&hone, my da"ghter, #o"ld yo" &romise to stay here "ntil %, Do not sell or share my personal information. Playscript (PDF and DOC) sentby email within 24 hours. This hugely acclaimed game is a fast-paced romp through a richly reimagined and atmospheric setting from ancient Greek mythology. Homer related that Oedipus's wife and mother hanged herself when the truth of their relationship became known, though Oedipus apparently continued to rule at Thebes until his death. 440 Park Ave S, Fl 11 Orestes leading role is replaced by his sister Electra, who as a young child witnesses her fathers murder and is compelled to take justice into her own hands until she too must flee the Furies.The three plays that comprise This Restless House can be performed on their own or as part of a continuous evening. Flexible casting; 11 pages in length. Blacktop Sky by Christina Anderson (US/UK)(Full-Length Play, Drama / 1f, 5m). The sisters wreak their revenge in true tragic style. E$en the &oorest and most forlorn #anderer co"ld 5nd a &o#erf"l ad$ocate in me, : .for#ard1 % am 0oseidon, second to /e"s in &o#er amongst the gods, the, god of the sea and &rotector of all a8"atic feat"res 'rother of /e"s and, #idely #orshi&&ed by seamen % am married m&hitrite, one of the grandda"ghters. ), Saving the Greeks: One Tragedy at a Time (full-length), The Odyssey, Oedipus, and Others or Greek Story Theatre, Saving the Greeks: One Tragedy at a Time (one-act), 3 W,3 M,6 Any (8-35 actors possible: 1-35 W, 1-35 M), 5 W,5 M,10 Any (8-75 actors possible: 1-50 W, 1-50 M), 3 W,1 M, (4-11 actors possible: 2-10 W, 1-9 M), 10 W,15 M,10 Any (8-60 actors possible: 4-30 W, 4-30 M), 12 W,2 M, (12-40 actors possible: 10-30 W, 2-10 M), 3 W,7 M,16 Any (16-26 actors possible: 3-19 W, 7-23 M), 12 W,20 M,15 Any (8-60 actors possible: 4-30 W, 4-30 M), 7 W,5 M, (11-30 actors possible: 6-17 W, 5-19 M), 13 W,4 M, (13-25 actors possible: 11-20 W, 2-10 M), 6 W,6 M, (6-50 actors possible: 3-25 W, 3-25 M), 11 W,10 M, (4-21 actors possible: 0-11 W, 2-10 M), 13 W,7 M, (13-26 actors possible: 8-16 W, 5-10 M), 14 W,14 M, (20-40 actors possible: 10-20 W, 10-20 M), 9 W,1 M, (9-21 actors possible: 8-20 W, exactly 1 Men), 6 W,8 M, (12-26 actors possible: 5-10 W, 7-14 M), 7 W,10 M,20 Any (10-50 actors possible: 6-26 W, 4-24 M), 6 W,8 M, (12-22 actors possible: 5-9 W, 7-12 M), 3 W,5 M,4 Any (10-20 actors possible: 5-10 W, 5-10 M). In addition to the invention of the epic and lyric forms of poetry, though, the Greeks were also essentially responsible for the invention of drama, and they produced masterpieces of both tragedy and comedy that are still . 8M, 9F, Flexible casting; 12 pages in length. These scripts require minimal teacher support, thereby allowing teachers to work with other small groups. All Rights Reserved. In order to truly understand the Ancient Greeks, reading these plays is essential. (Organized by size of cast with larger casts listed first.). This intriguing and beautiful folk opera delivers a deeply resonant and defiantly hopeful theatrical experience. This was great fun.You are so funny! Genre: Comedy, Comic Look at Greek Mythology. Greek Mythology Script (This Script does not cover the whole Mythology, but only until the Trojan War. Famous myths such as Pandora's Box, Jason and the Argonauts (the original Super Friends), and Hercules: Intern God jostle for space with obscure, weird myths such as the myth of Linus and the legend of the Argus. eScript Digital Editions are not printable.eScript Printable Editions are available as cast sets with performances only. Approximately 10 minutes long. As you can see, theater was an important part of the Ancient Greek culture. This sweeping adaptation was first presented on Broadway in 1946. My weapon is the thunderbolt which I hurled at those who displease or defy me, especially liars and oath breakers. Its hosted by Poseidon, the surfer dude Sea God, and Hades, the stage manager. It was my last week at school and the perfect activity to end it all. The Story of Persephone - Read the story of Persephone, and there are printable coloring pages and worksheets to go along with it. One-Act The Greek Mythology Olympiaganza (full-length) by Don Zolidis | Playscripts Inc. eScriptAvailable The Greek Mythology Olympiaganza (full-length) by Don Zolidis (33) Comedy | 100 - 120 minutes 5 W, 5 M, 10 Any (8-75 actors possible: 1-50 W, 1-50 M) Set: Flexible. Another boring class about things that don't relate to them! The old minder of the children of Jason and Medea enters with the children running about him, perhaps playing with hoops or other toys. Easy to stage. Eurydice by Sarah Ruhl (US/UK)(Full-Length Play, Dramatic Comedy / 2f, 5m). The satyr play is a form of Attic theatre performance related to both comedy and tragedy.It preserves theatrical elements of dialogue, actors speaking verse, a chorus that dances and sings, masks and costumes. To Be or Not To Be (7 plays for Pre-teens and up) Myths, Legends & Fairytales, V. 2 (7 plays for Pre-teens and up) Eight Plays for a New Century. List of ancient Greek playwrights View history Aeschylus (c. 525-456 BC): The Persians (472 BC) Seven Against Thebes (467 BC) The Suppliants (463 BC) The Oresteia (458 BC, a trilogy comprising Agamemnon, The Libation Bearers and The Eumenides .) credit Jasmine Rodgers and Drama Notebook in your program and advertising. (3 Credits). The Muses make things right for Paris and Helen. Electra by Nick Payne (UK)(Full-Length Play / 3f, 3m). In Greek mythology, Jason was the leader of a band of 50 adventurers who set out on a long journey to find the Golden Fleece. However, he is given the credit. Hadestown Book, Music & Lyrics by Anas Mitchell (US/UK)(Full-Length Musical, Drama / 5f, 3m). Good evening, satyrs and dryads, nymphs and centaurs. Zeus and his illegitimate son Perseus keep Medusas head covered to save the audience from turning to stone, but they run off when Zeus wife Hera shows up. Running Time: 30 minutes 4M, 4F, 2 Either; 5 pages in length. They usually told the story of a mythical hero who would eventually meet his doom because of his pride. It can be used to make 3rd 5th Zeus will break dance, Circe will attempt to turn audience members into animals, Aphrodite will sing, and Athena will recite the entire periodic table. (A one-act version and an Iliad! This classic tragedy is still read and performed today. The play's dialogue concerns the unwritten laws of the gods versus the laws of men. A Greek play for a large cast by Jasmine Rodgers. A fairly easy to understand play type piece that can be used to present people in greek mythology. relevant background information and commentary on the myth, anticipatory questions for pre-play discussion, essential questions to help analyze the "big ideas" behind each myth, recall questions to check reading comprehension, and instructions . The Muses think that they should win, because what could be more heroic than inspiring the arts? A fifteen-minute musical based on Ancient Greek myth. 24 pages long. Aphrodite refuses to dance with a partner, and the evil enchantress, Circe, turned her partner into a pig. The readers are encouraged to wear these cards in order to show which character they are currently reading. In this story, Antigone witnesses her brothers fighting for the throne a conflict that eventually killed one of them. 2023 Playscripts, Inc. All Rights Reserved. All About Dodonian Zeus Oldest Oracle in Greek Mythology, Birth of the Greek Mythological Hero Perseus, About Nikolaos Plastiras of Modern Greece, History of the Rank of Strategos in the Greek Military. Sometimes, a classic is a classic for a reason. Nike runs in with a victory cheer, but sad messenger Hermes is obsolete due to text messaging. In the end, the distinctive features of Greek tragedy and the . Almost every Greek city had a theatre because plays were part of many religious festivals. Greek Play Scripts for Kids and Teens (Organized by size of cast with larger casts listed first.) Greek theater is still one of the most important and long-lasting theatrical influences in the world, dating from around 700 BC and with some Greek plays still being performed to this day. Adobe Digital Editions. Greek Mythology; *Plautus; Roman Empire; Sophocles. During the online licensing process, you will be asked if you are planning on streaming your production. Sophocles penned his tragedy, The Persians, as a reminder of this time. Creative Commons "Sharealike" Now Percy has ten days to find and return Zeuss stolen property and bring peace to a warring Mount Olympus. tales of King Midas, Daedalus and Icarus, Echo and Narcissus, and more. A guitar player, he is a rural Orpheus who descends to rescue his lovenot in Hades, precisely, but amid the intrigue, gossip and violence of a hot-tempered town Orpheus Descending is one of Mr. Williams' pleasant plays, with characters determined to free themselves from corruption, with some sensitive philosophical comments in passing about the loneliness of the human being condemned in his world to solitary confinement for the whole of his life. Approximately 5-10 minutes running time. Here, Oedipus realizes the wretched truth about himself, his parents, and the terrible power of fate. In the end, it seems that perhaps the stage manager, goddess of wisdom, Athena, might be the unsung hero behind every great Greek hero. But the texts say that humble Hestias homemade cookies rock, so shes the ultimate hero. Hercules and the 12 Tasks 30+ characters. Lysistrata, an Readmore, This three-play cycle is a modern retelling of the fall of the House of Atreus. Greek Mythology Plays For Middle School Author: Subject: Greek Mythology Plays For Middle School Keywords: greek, mythology, plays, for, middle, school Created Date: 2/26/2023 5:09:14 AM Aphrodite plays matchmaker for Pygmalion. 5 minutes running time. Theater was so important, in fact, that city-states such as Athens held festivals every year devoted to this tradition. Jason and the Golden Fleece. Flexibility: 0-10 extras, doubling possible, gender flexible If you select 'Yes' and answer the streaming-related questions, a "Streaming with ShowShare" record and the technology fee will automatically be added to your shopping cart. An additional page with Greek Mythology names is included. Wise Clytie 11+ characters, flexible casting. The play follows the Readmore, To give shape to the endless days in a refugee camp, a group of girls from different countries come together to put on a production of The Trojan Readmore, Complete with little green army men, a beauty pageant, and warring narrators, this is The Iliad as you've never seen it before. For even more plays inspired by Greek tragedies and myths, visit the Concord Theatricals website in the US or UK. Hosted by Hermes, messenger of the gods and trickster, the shows judges are the nerdy and prudish Athena, goddess of wisdom, accompanied by her close companion, the cheer-leading goddess of victory, Nike, surfer dude Poseidon, god of the ocean, and motherly Hestia, goddess of the hearth and home. Immortals Fenyx Rising. Flexible casting. Read, highlight, and take notes, across web, tablet, and phone. Greek and Roman Gods: A Quick Cheat Sheet, A Brief History of the Study of Greek Mythology. The Greek Mythology Olympiaganza (one-act), The Greek Mythology Olympiaganza (full-length), The Greek Mythology Olympiaganza (Iliad! According to the ancient Greek historian Herodotus (c. 484 - c. 425 BCE), the name 'Amazons' was derived from the Greek word Androktones, which in translates into 'killers/slayers of men' or 'destroyers of men, murderesses'. The three best-known writers of ancient Greek tragedy were undoubtedly Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides. Jasper in Deadland by Hunter Foster and Ryan Scott Oliver (US/UK)(Full-Length Musical, Dark Comedy / 4f, 5m). Here, we focus on Antigone who was the daughter of Oedipus and his mother, Jocasta. In Oedipus Rex, a father leaves his own son, Oedipus, to die in a field. Hosted by sun god Apollo, stage managed by goddess of wisdom Athena, and judged by huntress Artemis, lord of the dead Hades, and queen of the gods Hera, mortals and immortals alike compete to be Olympus Next Top Hero! ), DOCX, PDF, TXT or read online from Scribd, 88% found this document useful (16 votes), 88% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful, 13% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful, !oncerning the nat"re of the #orld, their gods, their heroes, and, eno"gh the &ro&hecy came tr"e (hen it #as time for Rhea to gi$e birth to her si)th, act, she #ra&&ed a stone in s#addling clothes and &assed it, !ron"s, #ho s#allo#ed it (hen this child gre# "&, he freed his siblings from their, father+s stomach nd #ith their hel&, they, : (ell, % belie$e that makes me the s"&reme r"ler, gods, as #ell as lord of the sky and rain My, h"rled at those #ho dis&lease or defy me, es&ecially liars and, also the &residing deity of the "ni$erse, r"ler, regarded by the Greeks as the god of all nat"ral &henomena on, &ersoni5cation of the la#s of nat"re4 the r"ler. Wise Clytie Greek Mythology Play Script Wise Clytie 11+ characters, flexible casting. Greek-Myth-Plays-10-Readers-Theater-Scripts-Based-On-Favorite-Greek-Myths-That-Students-Can-Read-And-Reread-To-Develop-Their-Fluency-Best-Practices-In-Action. Approximately 10-15 minutes running time. My Deah's bridge-playing buddies show up to play their weekly card game. The Story of Medusa and Athena - Printable story about Medusa and Athena with a link to a fun Medusa craft. Whether you are streaming a recorded or a live production, ShowShare by Broadway On Demand gives you a secure and accessible platform to reach your audience. When he arrives theres no sign of his best friend, only a swirling vortex to another world in the water below. The Greek Mythology Olympiaganza (full-length), High Technology High School Performing Arts Club, South Winneshiek Community School District, Clarion-Goldfield-Dows Community High School, Siuslaw School District (97J), Florence, OR, Wagner Community School Theater Department, Department Of British And American Studies, Harry Collinge High School Drama Department, #156 Frederick Law Olmsted School at Kensington, Sacramento Theatre Company School Of The Arts, Evan's Children's Academy Of Performing Arts, Allen Park High School - Allen Park Center For The Arts, Whitwell Junior Players Amateur Dramatics Society, Rowan County Senior High School Theatre Department. Ancient Greek society placed considerable emphasis on literature and, according to many, the whole Western literary tradition began there, with the epic poems of Homer.. Hades allows his wife, Persephone, to leave the underworld every once in a while to visit Mom. Written by in Ancient Greek History In Eurydice, Sarah Ruhl reimagines the classic myth of Orpheus through the eyes of its heroine. Two battling narrators attempt to cover the entirety of Greek mythology using audience participation, cross-dressing, and general theatrical Readmore, In the midst of a bombed-out city still feeling the aftershocks of war, the rebellious and intense Antigone defies her uncle to bury her Readmore, Not in the mood for homework? Conditions. 2023 Playscripts, Inc. All Rights Reserved. While with this family, Oedipus is told by an Oracle that he will murder his father and sleep with his mother. Your email address will not be published. Three Greek Myths - Annabelle Howard 2005 . Tips for putting on the plays and related activities. Some of the great tragedies ever written, in ancient Greece or otherwise, were written during this time and by these three writers, including Aeschylus trilogyThe Oresteia, SophoclesOedipus the King, and EuripidesElectra. The Love of the Nightingale by Timberlake Wertenbaker (UK)(Full-Length Play, Drama / 8f, 12m). The stories from Greek mythology have endured for thousands of years and are still told today. Athena and Hermes give Perseus the confidence and firepower to slay Medusa. Oedipus the King: This monologue is a classic cathartic moment. Comedy - Comedies were more light-hearted than tragedies. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This is a text widget, which allows you to add text or HTML to your sidebar. Produced in modern dress with Katharine Cornell and Sir Cedric Hardwicke, the Galantiere version of the Greek legend is informed by WWII Paris and the suffering inflicted by fascism. SPOOF. of the Titan Ocean"s % created the 5rst horse, earth8"akes, and shatter any ob6ect % am second to /e"s, !ombined #ith my greed, % had a series of, $ario"s attem&ts to take o$er the cities they #ere &atrons of Once again, % am, 0oseidon, second to /e"s in &o#er, the god of the sea, .for#ard1 % am Hades The brother of /e"s and 0oseidon, god of the, and anyone #hose deeds res"lted in &eo&le dying #as fa$ored by me The, #ere not keen on "ttering my name, afraid of ca"sing s, #o"ld end "& #ith them dead sooner %nstead, they decided to gi$e me another, name, 0lo"ton, deri$ing from the Greek #ord for #ealth, d"e to the, Olym&ian, % &refer the 2nder#orld and % rarely left my kingdom My #ea&on is, &itchfork, #hich % "se to create earth8"akes, similar to the #ay 0oseidon "sed his, of /e"s and 0oseidon, god of the "nder#orld and r"ler of, : 3till later, one more attem&t #as made to "nseat, rebelled '"t by this time, the gods #ere $ery strong, and they, giants #ere defeated and h"rled do#n to Tartar"s rom then on, /e"s and his, brothers and sisters r"led, "ndis&"ted lords of all, #as ready for mankind %t #as a &lace #here &eo&le co"ld li$e in some, for men to be created The gods delegated the creation of men to, E&imethe"s '"t E&imethe"s ha$e gi$en the, #as no good left to men He cons"lted his, "&right like the gods, and ga$e them 5re nd beca"se of 0romethe"s+ lo$e for, #as angry, and he chained 0romethe"s to a rock The, : Go tell /e"s this: (hate$er yo" do, yo" #on+t be able to &ers"ade, : 0lease, 0romethe"s, sto& being st"bborn= >"st gi$e me the name, : These? 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