Shopping. Our mission as soldiers is to overthrow false ideas. As managing editor of the former Florida Baptist Witness (state paper) I was witness to many of Hayes Wickers years of fruitful ministry. I left the church. Great! I believe Hayes was rejected because of racism. But what was concluded was that all things were not fair nor were they right. Does my agreement with Dr. King and my deep concerns about intersectionality, et al, make me a racist? So very sorry, but not everything is about race and not everyone is a racist. In 2016, under the leadership of its former pastor, the church changed its bylaws to adopt the85%approval rule, instead of a simple or super-majority, Stearns continued. Pray for Me; Log In First Baptist Naples has a byzantine process that allows the pastoral staff to recommend to the deacons the expulsion of a member. Per the church's constitution and bylaws, a senior pastor must be affirmed by a margin of at least 85% of the vote, but Hayes only garnered 81%of the vote, with 1,552 "yes" votes compared to 365 "no" votes. And if He wanted us all to be the same, He wouldve made us the same. More about this ministry: Welcome to First Naples! However, at some point the church leadership became hostile to the longtime pastor, according to church members. And before you go tagging me as a racist, I am in a biracial marriage myself. The group adds that national leaders within FBC Napless denomination, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), supported the churchs leadership and furthered the racism charge. Jemel Roberson was in my student ministry while I was a youth pastor in Chicago. To find sermons, announcements, and other resources, click on the link below. Sadly, that did not come to fruition. Just like there are women who are pro-Gloria Steinem feminists, and there are women who are not fans of Gloria, black people are capable of holding differing opinions too. SATURDAY, Dec 10 (4pm) NO RESERVATIONS AVAILABLE. I am not lesser or better, but different. Hayes pastoral appointment of doing so out of racial prejudice and announced that Jesus said that He wants us to all be in unity and that He is building a church. It stinks to me of Greed. We reached out to Phillips Harvey Group and FBC Naples to confirm, but they did not respond. At the end of the service we found the pastor in The Commons area. More than 450 emails in support of Hayes were received by the church in the past four days, Dorrill said during the Nov. 2 service. 3000 Orange Blossom Drive, Naples, FL 34109, U.S. We recall the old Church too. Read the letter from the church to the Southern Baptist Convention, question and answer session with Hayes and his wife, Read the letter from First Baptist to church members regarding voting results, fatal shooting of a black security guard by a white police officer, Police release name of cop who killed black security guard who was corralling a gunman, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. Thats why its so harmful to the church; its born of and encourages the myopic tendencies of American evangelicalism. Grateful that FBCN is moving toward amputating the racists, tweeted Rev. church as large as FBC Naples. I was preparing to speak before the largest crowd we would ever have, he said. Power plays, power trips and finances will have repercussions on Judgment Day.or did certain people forget about that?!. Takeaway: Using children as political pawns is despicable. While methods may change, our commitment to Biblical doctrine is a non-negotiable. Raising concerns over a pastoral candidates seeming endorsement of the book Woke Church doesnt make someone a racist. Roku Live Streaming, Copyright 2023 ITP Productions, Inc. dba, All Rights Reserved, Welcome to First Naples! "It seems all cops ever see is black," the attorney continued. First, there are blacks who strenuously object to books like Woke Church, as well as intersectionality, and reparations for slavery. I am sickened by the way he was treated and am grateful for this exposure. Arkansas Youth Pastor Pleads Guilty to 13 Counts of Sexual Assault, Churches Respond to Action of SBC Executive Committee, Why Businessman Peter Chung Matters for the Future of The Kings College. But key conferences and key organizations had a vested interest in sidestepping orthodoxy and demonizing any who pointed that out. A lengthyOct. 24 email signed by the "group of concerned FBCN members"and obtained by the Daily News was titled "Concerns Surfacing About Compatibility with Marcus Hayes." If this were a Calvary Chapel organization, or any other offshoot of Chuck Smiths piracy, no one would be surprised. Hundreds of members have left the church. At Berean Baptist Church, we have one message-the message of the Lord Jesus Christ, and one ministry-the ministry He has given us to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. The decision to excommunicate us 48 hours after a failed vote, without ANY confrontation, was nothing more than a knee jerk reaction to make people pay and to establish a scapegoat. It only becomes a problem if you think my worth is different because of it. We are simultaneously soldiers, commissioned to wage war for the defense and dissemination of the truth in the face of countless onslaughts against it. The final vote was 81 percent in favor and 19 percent against. What they did to Rev Wicker and his Godly family is nothing but sinful. *Please note that the preceding is my personal opinion. For these crimes, he was wrongly treated, humiliated, and denied even basic due process, and most certainly treated anything but Christ like. This is a demonstration of holding a form of godliness, but having denied the power thereof. And Paul goes on to say So, Turn away from these, also. The Holy Spirit inspired him to write his short epistle to people who were struggling with some of these very same issues. My Account Login Theyve even released an open letter to the SBC with the same claim. Submit. A representative from the Collier County Sheriffs Office also confirmed that FBC Naples contacted them on July 3 regarding a suspicious incident., Wickers daughter, Allyson Stephens, said that on September 13, two detectives visited her home and questioned her about the Voices of FBCN email. First Baptist Church Naples. Im not sure why you would describe Dr. Kings sentiments as ridiculous and ungodly. Theres only one human race. Wicker said Dorrill banned him from pastoral search team meetings, and the chairmen of the personnel and finance committees told Wicker his oversight was not needed. We met his wife and daughters. 11,847 were here. Would you consider making a tax-deductible donation to help our journalists continue to report the truth and restore the church? We likewise contacted SBC President J.D. The church decided to use the racism card instead ACTUALLY deal with the real issues going on. What would Jesus make of Wokeness intersectionality, and indeed, the movement for resegregation by some of those who are of the Prominent Woke, in light of Galatians 3:28? The process offers no protections for those suspected worthy of dismissal, so it invites rampant abuse. Multiple sources claiming to be from FBC Naples have reached out to Pulpit & Pen and Reformation Charlotte and we are currently assessing the accounts of these individual. Wickers hopes for a smooth transition have been dashed. (The church publishes an annual directory with member email addresses.). about the pastoral transition process at the church, a process which has descended Wicker said in late October, when FBC Naples excommunicated the 18 members, it also stopped paying him his severance. Edie, the church's executive pastor, however, called Hayes "one of the most qualified men in Southern Baptist life to be a Senior Pastor of any church in this country.". "We know this because of the campaign that started just days before by a few disgruntled people in our church.". I just want to point out that when you say things like I am in a biracial marriage, it sounds a LOT like I have a black friend. Trust me, that gets you little more than eye-rolling. Takeaway: One could reject the concerns of the church members and not label them racist. The controversy, which quickly spread in religious circles online, has suddenly thrust the North Naples church into an unwelcome spotlight, much to the dismay of some members. On the surface, Marcus Hayes is a highly recommended pastor who is seemingly qualified for the role. During Wickers 27-year tenure, FBC Naples grew from 400 weekly attendance to over 3,000. I actually want you to see me as a black woman, because that has shaped my experiences in life how people have reacted to me, treated me, etc. We live in UK now as did Naples Baptist 1st Associate Minisiter but come to Naples Baptist every Dec/Jan. Yet, thats what multiple sources have alleged is happening to them. Most church experiences, when it comes to a new Senior Pastor, are just that, a celebration and a time of looking forward with hope and optimism to what God has for the future. ", Two members of the counting committee, he said, have admitted to leaking confidential early voting results from Saturday night to a lay leader in the church "who then used that information, we believe, to compromise the process.". Takeaway: So much for a democracy. To that point, no group had met with Hayes or the committee privately, Dorrill continued, before adding to applause from those gathered at the Q&A session: "This will continue to be a transparent search. A racist, leftist marxist movement and which claims blacks were muzzled for 150 years now its whites turn to be face the same treatment. This is why I dont attend a church and work on my relationship with God on a daily basis. If all things had been equal and fair, our story would not have reached as far and wide, and stoked the emotions that it has. Church leaders at First Baptist Church Naples have blasted a faction of their congregation, alleging "racial prejudices" contributed to a failed vote late last month to name a black man. Two weeks later, Garippa started another church called The Naples Gathering. to be clear. However, the email also expressed concerns about Hayes ability to reconcile the deeply divided church. What Happens Now? JD Greear and his woke cronies attempted a coup at FBC Naples and were thwarted on a grand level. Find Best Western Hotels & Resorts nearby Sponsored. Is not the sheer stupidity of this self-evident? All of the events need to be understood in the context of the overriding event and the church governance that permitted this to happen. Quite the contrary the creedal history of the church was arguably constructed to exclude precisely the kind of views that were being espoused. @Michelle I believe you make valid points. The churchs Wade Burleson is also part of the smear campaign, too. weekend the congregation failed These included a lack of transparency at the church, absence of vetted elders, and the public maligning of former longtime pastor, Hayes Wicker. What a great and wise man of God he is? Notice carefully: Our task as ambassadors is to bring good news to people. I voted no to Mr. Hayes for two reasons. We need to see people as fellow human beings made in the image of God. Interesting. And thats shepherding many hundreds of people over many years., In its open letter to the SBC, FBC Naples lay leaders and staff wrote that they know racial prejudice contributed to Marcus Hayess failed vote because of the campaign that started just days before by a few disgruntled people in our church., Presumably, the campaign to which the letter is referring is an email that was sent from the Concerned Members to those who had signed the petition shortly before the Hayes vote, requesting a special business meeting. Get new articles and breaking news delivered to your inbox. Hi, Carla. First Baptist Church has had problems for years. Wicker also was pastor for 20 years to evangelical author and founder of Prison Fellowship, Chuck Colson. We have read so many of our traditions back into the New Testament, and tried to make them fit. Following worship services on December 7 and 8, receptions were held to honor Edies six years at the church. this approach to transition can become a helpful model for other churches.. The actions described in this article, which by the way are just the tip of the iceberg, were unloving, ungodly, and unbecoming of pastors charged with shepherding Gods flock. Did people voice concerns and questions about Marcus? Racism had Nothing to do with voting!It had to do with biblical principals that many questioned ( CRT, SJM, "Woke" Church). It is widely known that an 85% affirmative vote is unusually high. 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Would highly recommended." - Tabitha C "Better prices than other sites." - Diana E. ".for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations." Isaiah 56:7 Need Prayer? Love for Jesus, for my fellow brother/sister and love for the truth. Read: Police release name of cop who killed black security guard who was corralling a gunman, Hayes quote-tweeted a November 2018 tweet by an attorney who represented Roberson's family after the fatal shooting. He hopes Good Ole Fascist techniques of taking away 1A rights are even occurring within the church. Stephens said neither she nor any member of her family wrote the e-mail, adding that none of the church staff ever reached out or spoke to me. She also said the detectives told her that no criminal actions had taken place.. In fact, concerned church members have come forward to reveal the questions and concerns they had about the nominee. Selected and edited comments from an article by Carl Trueman, Revoice, Evangelical Culture, and the Return of an Old Friend (July 31, 2018). And as of March 1, the churchs $14 million budget had a shortfall of $1.2 million. The Marcus Hayes vote was used to cry wolf. Christians should model justice and love to the world. Caudill said no one replied to his letter. To be blunt, it stinks and the whiff of corruption I detect is an autocratic sense of entitlement, with a touch of greed, perhaps, as well. Hayes, a member of the North Carolina executive committee of the Southern Baptist Convention,garnered endorsements from other church leaders, including the president of the Southern Baptist Convention. Wicker spent 27 years as pastor of First Baptist Church of Naples. Christian Rocker Posts Stunning Response to Recent Apostasy of Christian Leaders, Chicago Radio Host & a Former Bodyguard Say James MacDonald Asked Them to Arrange Murders, James MacDonald Took Millions from Harvest & Now Demands Broadcast Ministry, Mancow Airs Shocking Comments By James MacDonald: My Response. That's not what happened at First Baptist Church of Naples, Florida. Find more information about the groups that meet throughout the week by clicking below. The pastor was amazing, the atmosphere electrifying, we had fallen in love with the pastor. An economy of power, people, and indeed money which is non-ecclesiastical but highly influential within evangelical churches. Totally the act of Satan in this issue because where the Spirit of the Lord is there is peace. The situation at FBC Naples should serve as a solemn reminder to church members everywhere to ensure that their by-laws provide church members biblical protections from rogue staff members who would seek to dominate their church. Racial prejudice a factor in rejection of black pastor, read the headline of a piece published in the Baptist Standard. Upvote 3 Downvote. Terms of Service Thats what REALLY happened. One Denomination that claims to hold the Christian faith to avoid is the Southern Baptist Churces and their affiliations. Bonnett told the Daily News in an email Wednesday no revote has been scheduled. He and his wife live in the Washington, D.C. area with their son. Church decided to use the racism card instead ACTUALLY deal with the was! As political pawns is despicable youth pastor in the Washington, D.C. with. March 1, the atmosphere electrifying, we had fallen in love with the pastor in Chicago. `` we... 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