Field Day: All hands clean-up. Shit Can Liner: Plastic bag to put in a shitcan. ), A term indicating supreme indifference; "Gaffer." ASMO: Assignment Memorandum Orders. Numb Nuts (Derogatory) Nick Name for the USS Nimitz (CVN68), Nut to butt: Standing in line, close quarters, body to body, each man's chest pressed to the back of the man ahead, or "nut to butt.". Burnbag: (1) One of the red-and-white-striped paper bags which are used to hold classified material meant for destruction. In flight training, a down is a failed flight. CGU-11: Nomenclature for a Seagull to boot sailors. LSO: Landing Safety Officer or Landing Signals Officer. "Taps" is a musical piece sounded at dusk, and at funerals, particularly by the U.S. military. Topsider: Anyone who is not a nuke, or Engineer. Sandblower: A person of very short stature. Goat locker: A lounge or galley for the exclusive use of "Chiefs.". Rider: (1) Most often associated with the submarine service; an individual aboard a submarine not a member of the crew who is assigned to the sub for a period of time to perform a specific mission; usually intelligence related. Standard Navy Redundancy Standard. Reveille: An announcement over the 1MC at 0600 local time, bugle call, trumpet call or pipes call, most often associated with the military; it is chiefly used to wake military personnel at sunrise. Mamasan: Proprietor of a bar or other such establishment where sex may be procured or negotiated. BMW: Big Maine Woman: One of the large women in the Brunswick/Bath Maine area who like to pick up sailors from the former Naval Air Station Brunswick or pre-commissioning destroyers at the Bath Iron Works in local bars. Battle Racks: (term for) when mission-exhausted Aviators are allowed to sleep through General Quarters. (US slang) A well-off person who indulges himself or herself; a playboy. Bilge Water: Something spoken that is nonsense or ridiculous. also,"Forever Fucking Gone", A frigate which spends more time underway than in port. Sex is universally expected, although technically not required. Hall of Fame Company: A recruit company during boot camp that maintains perfect marks through the entire eight-week evolution; harder to get than Color Company, the company that rates Hall of Fame Status is given three days special liberty, as well as the week prior to shipping out to the fleet as downtime. Horse Cock sandwich is one of the least favorite boxed lunches served to helo crews when visiting other ships. Butt Shark: A Sailor who is obviously brown-nosing in hope of receiving favorable evaluations. Guns: A sailor in the Gunner's Mate rating. ;dop kit; douche kit. XO: Executive Officer: The second-in-Command of a ship, aviation squadron or shore command, second in authority to the Commanding Officer. The hostess will expect some entertainment (dancing, dinner, etc.). Most schedule writers will have a "snivel log" for such requests, which may or may not be granted based on the needs of the unit and the sniveler's standing with the schedules officer (Skeds-O). Valves are named with the initials of the system they belong to, ie Seawater valve 1 is SW-1. Lifer cup: A coffee cup stained brown by repeated use. Elephant Scabs. Ball Button: The fourth button down on the new Service Uniforms, so called because it has a tendency to come undone. Derives from Port Orchard, Washington, across Sinclair Inlet from PSNS. Tiger Team: Junior enlisted of all ratings (E-3 and below) who are tasked to clean the engine room prior to inspection, such as GITMO Refresher training or evaluation. Compare "Ricky Boxing.". MR: Machinery Repairman rating. Workers in the Paint Locker can literally turn someones life into a living hell, by running them all over the ship to get the proper signatures on their paint chit. Often performed with a white glove and a black sock. V1 Division: Aircraft Handlers on the flight deck. Rate Grabber: Enlisted member with the goal of (and succeeding in) making rate (promotion) quickly. Service Dress Beer: With the pre-NWU utility uniforms, the act of removing the shirt and untucking the T-shirt to hide the name tape above the pants pocket, in order to purchase alcohol on an off-base establishment. (2) Any time late at night that doesn't qualify for Oh Dark Thirty. " Salu-salo" means "feast" or "banquet", a reduplication of salo, "to eat together" or "to share food".. Sources indicate that the term "boodle" is American military slang for contraband sweets such as cake, candy and ice cream.A "boodle fight" is a party in which . Also called Boomers. Fat Enlisted People / Forced Exercise Program. ! A Cake-Eater. Signs the card of slimy pollywogs after crossing the line, making them Trusted Shellbacks. Dog zebra: Closing fittings or doors for light discipline at night. See, Girl Scout: A sailor with an inordinate amount of decorative patches on spotless. Mess Deck Intelligence: Rumors (mostly false) that spread throughout the ship like wildfire. Ground-Pounder: Navy term for Marines, specifically infantry. Canoe U: United States Naval Academy; Captain's Mast: Navy term for non-judicial punishment under Article 15 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. "Boopdiddley!" TACCO: Tactical Coordinator. Dinner plate for Marines: The front buttoned flap on enlisted dress blues. "John and I were buds on the but then he went sinker and I never heard from him again.". (2) Main engineering space aboard ship to include the Fire Room (boiler room), Machinery Room (Engine Room) or a combined room (Main Machinery Room) containing both boilers and main engines. Also lifers say things like "there is nothing a sailor needs that is not in his sea-bag"; this usually is a comment implying a sailor does not need to see his spouse or children, more rarely acronym associated with people coasting through their Navy career, stands for "Lazy Incompetent Fuck Expecting Retirement", or "Lowly Indignant Fuck Evading Reality" see also "The ROAD program.". (2) An underperforming Cryptologic Technician or "CT" Shitbag. Term used to refer to the lucky nuke who gets out of the Navy next. Dog watches: The 1600-2000 evening watch is customarily split into two two-hour "dog" watches, so that the watch sections rotate rather than being stuck with the same schedule every day. A.K.A. The subs and the sailors are on eternal patrol. They make replacement parts and repair or overhaul ship's engines and auxiliary systems. Small ships only have one division, while larger ships like carriers or amphibs can have 5 or more. Rope and Choke: Highly advanced and ultra accurate way the Navy determines the body mass index of people who are deemed too heavy for their height. Limp Dick: A sailor who can't do the simplest job. Uncle Sam's Canoe Club: The US Coast Guard. I was watching some cbs show called seal team and they refer to bad officers as "cake eaters" I'm not sure if it's a DEVGRU or SOF thing but I've never heard navy personnel use that term. Christmas, New Year's Day, Easter, etc. Wrinkle Bomb: A uniform worn by a sailor that is wrinkled so badly that it looks like the sailor slept in it. Jack Off Curtain: The small privacy curtain hanging on the outside of a rack. Wolf Ticket: Highly suspect information. Pogue: A homosexual who may be called a "twink", usually under-aged. Hummer: Slang for the E-2C Hawkeye, mostly for the sound of its props. MidShitHead: Enlisted common term for a Naval Academy or ROTC Midshipman on their summer cruise on a ship or a command, gaining real Navy experience between academic class years. Up the hawse hole/pipe: An enlisted man going officer. Brown bagger: Married sailor who brings his lunch from home in a paper bag. Named, due to its apparent high cholesterol content, for Mr. Barney Clark, who in 1982 received a "Jarvik" artificial heart. Also "ditty chaser.". Rot-Cee: Slang for ROTC, Reserve Officer Training Corps. When the Engineers cause the ship to move through the water, everyone else goes along for the ride.". Building 20: Derogatory term used to describe the U.S.S. JOPA: Junior Officer Protection Association. It is often used to describe someone who is too soft or weak for A cake eater is a term used to describe someone who is not well suited for the military life. Very well: Expression of acknowledgement a senior gives a subordinate. Usually applied to a young junior officer, such as an O-1 (ENS / 2ndLt), and O-2 (LTJG / 1stLt) or an O-3 (LT / Capt). (2) A reference to the restroom or locker room in general. Seabag locker: A room, usually on board ship, where extra uniforms, or item materials are placed until needed. ", Black Shoe: Sometimes shortened to just "Shoe." Kid: in sailing times this referred to any bucket-like container used for a considerable variety of purposes - see 'Spit-kid'. PQS: Personnel Qualification Standards, a card carrying various qualifications for a warfare badge or similar. Players bid on the number of tricks to be taken, trump is determined by draw. Wheel Book: Green covered pocket-sized government issue notebook carried by most Petty Officers and Chiefs. Lifer Stripe: The stripes located just above the cuff of the right sleeve on the service dress uniform that indicates four years of service per stripe. (2) (Derogatory) Nickname for the USS Forrestal (CV 59) after the fire on 29 July 1967 that killed 134 sailors and injured 161 on the aircraft carrier. VBSS: Visit, Board, Search, Seizure: Marinetime boarding actions and tactics. A container (usually zipper-closed) for toilet articles such as soap, razor, shaving cream, deodorant, etc; especially for expeditionary sailors. His assistant is the "Mini Boss.". The USS IWO JIMA LPH-2, IYAOYAS: Unofficial acronym commonly found on the uniforms of airedales who specialize in ordnance handling. XOI: Executive Officer's Inquiry: A step in the. BOHICA Boat Derogatory name for USS NIMITZ (CVN-68) BOHICA our screws never stop. ", "Wrong answer, RPOC! Today, Salt and Peppers are worn by cooks that work in a ship's wardroom. F.I.I.G.M.O. These words represent the letters "A," "B," and "C" in the International Radiotelephony Spelling Alphabet, more commonly known as the NATO phonetic alphabet. Ikeatraz: Derogatory term used to describe the U.S.S. LES: Leave and Earning Statement. Often condoned when essential to get underway. Also called "Cornbacked Gator" or "Brown Trout.". Swims: Aviation water survival training. Gator squares: Putting a square on a chart, often 3 miles by 3 miles, in the middle of a body of water, and steaming around in it for hours. Floating Bellhop: Derisive Army term for sailor. Generally presided over by the Executive Officer (XO) and run by a Chief or Junior Officer (JO) called "Mr. Vice," these events can become quite rowdy and raucous. GCE: Gross Conceptual Error, an instructor's comment on student work wherein the student has clearly misunderstood a concept. Short arm inspection: The inspection a ship's corpsman performs on a sailor's penis, looking for visible signs of any venereal disease, if the sailor suspects he may have contracted one. Best used with higher voltage drills. B.D.N.W.W. A pivoting latch, usually one of several, for locking down a water-tight hatch. Retired RMs may often use ZUG in place of "no" or "negative.". To overthink an easy task. Never washed, except as a prank by disgruntled juniors. Admin: Aviation,Pre-arranged meeting point, or shared hotel in-port. Lieu-fucking-tenant: Illustrates Navy practice of including a swear word INSIDE another word. A submarine (submarines are called boats, with only limited exceptions). Generally refers to the ship's engineering plant being online, e.g. Family Gram: A 40-word personal communication from the family members of an Officer or Sailor on a Strategic Deterrent Patrol assigned to a Fleet Ballistic Missile (FBM) submarine. ". A.J. On other surface ships. Also Air Force Personnel. She is such a cake-eater ! Issued in boot camp, used to store loose items, shoe polish stuff, etc. ", Tape Zebra: Maddening condition aboard ship, especially aircraft carriers, where passageways are "taped off" so that they may be waxed, dried, and buffed in the middle of the night. It is usually kept under the mattress and can stand up on its own by the end of cruise. One designated Port, and the other there is no other, only Port once again, hence the term re-Port. Two-block: To have all the work one can handle. Hamster: Chicken cordon bleu, a common chow entree. Dynamited Chicken: Chicken a la king or chicken cacciatore. Newbie sailors are sometimes sent all over base to locate an ASH Receiver as a joke. Public." Lifer: A name given to both officers and enlisted men who love the Navy and make it clear they want to be in for 20 or more years; lifers will try to convince others to re-enlist. Generally a lazy navy cook phones it in by opening an industrial size can of ravioli and dumps out a couple loaves of white bread and calls it good. Hinge: Slang for an O-4, or lieutenant commander (LCDR). A prankster who defecates in public areas of a ship. Bitchbox: Intercom or amplified circuit used to communicate between spaces of a ship. The term is used in boot camp to refer to male masturbation. Bounce Pattern: When several aircraft are practicing touch and go landings at the same airfield. Typically these shops are found on aircraft carriers just forward of hangar bay 1 on the 01 level. See also "NoFuck, Vagina. There are generally four runs that must be successfully completed. See also Bonnie Dick., Bonnie Dick: USS BONHOMME RICHARD * (CV/CVA 31, LHD 6), Boomer: Ballistic Missile Submarine (SSBN), Boomer Fag: Crewmember of a Ballistic Missile Submarine (SSBN). "All hands heave out and trice up." Eternal Patrol: The last and still on-going patrol of a submarine lost at sea. Hot box: Ship's engines are lit off, but ship is not underway. USS Notagain (DD 214): The fictional ship which sailors who are separating from the Navy specify when they are asked which command they are going to, or which former sailors specify when new personnel ask which ship they are on. NEC: The Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) system, of which the NEC coding system is a part, supplements the enlisted rating structure in identifying personnel on active or inactive duty and billets in manpower authorizations. Paint Chit: One of the sources for power on a ship, especially on large ships like carriers or battleships. USS Belcrash: The USS Belknap (CG-26). Sometimes spelled C-6U11, Z-6UL1 or various. INTerrogative What The Fuck. Etymology. The Navy, however, uses cake eater to refer to a sailor who reenlists into the troops, as most are served cake at the reenlistment ceremony. Stain Us: Derogatory name for USS JOHN C STENNIS (CVN-74). So called because most of the meat of a lobster is in its tail. The grenade is a fragmentation grenade, because when it blows up it throws fragments through the air, hence the term "FRAG OUT." This phrase is yelled loud for all others in the unit to hear. Someone who has been given a "Bag of Dicks" has been "bagged," which is quite similar to getting 'sand bagged'. Carrier Strike Group (CSG): See "Battle Group. AOCS: Aviation Officer Candidate School; since discontinued pre-commissioning programs at NAS Pensacola, FL and Bremerton, WA that trained both prior service and non-prior service college graduates to become naval officers and to subsequently qualify as either Naval Aviators, Naval Flight Officers, Air Intelligence Officers, or Aircraft Maintenance Duty Officers - program merged into with Officer Candidate School from Newport, RI in late 1990s and then in the late 2000s moved to NETC Newport, RI. Titivate: To spruce up or clean up the ship and its company. Red-Roper: Slang for a Recruit Division Commander (RDC), in reference to the red rope worn around the left shoulder. A sea lawyer is adept at using technicalities, half truths, and administrative crap to get out of doing work or anything else he doesn't want to do, and/or to justify his laziness. Shit Suit: Aka "Poopy Suit" A white disposable set of coveralls used mainly for sewage use, painting, bilge diving, or void inspections. 2JV: Engineering sound-powered circuit. AOM: All Officers Meeting, held for a variety of reasons like training, port calls, mess issues, etc. Slick Sleeve: A sailor in the E-1 paygrade who does not have a rating, and who has not yet graduated from Apprentice training. Fart sack: Canvas mattress cover (In cold conditions sailors sleep inside them for extra warmth.) DD: Destroyer, class of ship. Lobster: A female sailor. Often a good source of humor for when the topsiders ask what they are for. Some times worn on T-Shirts by sailors who are on the last patrol and getting out or going to shore duty. Definition of cake-eaters in the Idioms Dictionary. TSC: Tactical Support Center, shore-based briefing/debriefing/analysis and operational control center for VP (patrol aviation) missions. Fresh Water Navy (derogatory) members of the US Coast Guard. It is permissible to take one when a ship is pierside connected to pier water and sewer, if no one else is waiting for the shower. If the roll call or the skit fails to amuse the rest of the airwing, the offending squadron is booed and belittled mercilessly. May frequent enlisted/officers clubs upon her husband's deployment, assuming her husband is similarly engaging in infidelity during deployment. Aviators "call the ball" as a reference guide to their positioning in the landing sequence. Seabag Inspection: Formal uniform/personal item inspection for an E-4 and below sailor upon check in to a new command. Twig: Medical Service Corps officer. S.N.O.B. Sometimes referred to by specific ingredients, e.g. Compare "Corpsman Candy.". In the military, the term cake eater refers to civilians. Often fatal for the aircrew if they do not eject in time. : Fuck It, I Got My Orders: A refusal of a long or tough assignment near the end of a duty rotation. In the military, the term cake eater refers to civilians. Drop your cocks and grab your socks: A saying that the petty officer of the watch yells in the sleeping quarters when it's time for everyone to get up. All of these were later designated as Cruisers. During the six hours off you eat and sleep. Can be a collateral duty for a commissioned officer or more frequently, a civilian contractor's primary duty. Pirate Navy: Small boy crafts generally referring to the smallest of the vessels, such as Minesweepers, Coastal Patrol boats, and sometimes Frigates. Golden rivet: The rivet, made of gold, which according to folklore every ship is built containing one of. Used to describe a piece of equipment that no longer functions and is "out of commission.". OBNOB: Only Black Nuke Onboard. Hockey pucks: Swedish meatballs (also, trail markers, porcupines, road apples). cake eater Slang term from the 1920's meaning a lady's man. AOL: Absent Over Leave; Navyspeak for AWOL. Spit-kid: in earlier times, a wooden bucket-like container for sailors who chewed tobacco, who spat the result into it. TAPS: Announced over the 1MC at 2200 local time, "Taps, Tapslights out, all hands turn into your bunks, maintain silence about the decks." JORP: Junior Officer Rest Period. Trips back to the ship in the wee hours of the night are usually very entertaining. Dirty-shirt wardroom: (Aircraft Carrier): Forward wardroom immediately below the flight deck for pilots wearing (sweaty) flight gear and working ship's officers. See also "Blue Shirt. Fourballs: Midnight, entered as 0000 when writing logs; The "Fourballs watch" is midnight to 0600 when underway on a submarine, using a 3 person x 6 hour shift, 18 hour rotation "day" for each watchstation. ", Swinging Dick: Spoken by Marines, and sailors to refer to healthy shipmates while on maneuvers, e.g. Galley: Crews' mess, or dining area. The untrained sailors have a quad zip NEC of 0000. Bandit: An aircraft which has been positively identified as hostile. The beak of the eagle can be used as an emergency bottle opener. Punching Holes: When a submarine is underway submerged, as in "Punching Holes in the Ocean". "cake eater" " betta recognize bitch " by Nooch December 31, 2004 Get the cake eater mug. Blue Falcon: (Also known as a "Bravo Foxtrot") Slang term for "Buddy Fucker", also, "Noble Order of the Blue Falcon" for those who are true masters of Blue Falconry. Also called "Charlie" from phoenetic "Victor Charlie.". "Liberty is down." Radioman, Electronic's Technician, etc., usually denoted as part of the rank insignia, found in the center of the rank device on the summer, and winter uniforms only. Navy Shower: Not a form of punishment. LDO Security Blanket: Good conduct ribbon. Single up: To remove one 'loop' line of a doubled-up line, so that only a single line remains. Plank Owners are "Piped Aboard" when shown proper certification. Goatrope: A confusing, disorganized situation often attributed to or marked by human error. Fuck Off." "first-termers"). For instance, pull-tab sodas are referred to as "Haji Sodas" due to their ubiquitous presence in the Fifth Fleet AOR. Mail Buoy: A fictitious bouy that mail for a ship is left on. Historically, the CH-46 Sea Knight (see "Phrog") was used for such resupply, although any aircraft with a cargo hook installed can do. Tits Up: Broke-dick, inoperable, dead (from some piece of equipment being "flat on its back"). Officer's Country: The area of the ship where the Officer's berthing area and Wardroom are located; Enlisted men are not allowed into Officer's Country without permission, with certain rating exceptions. Basically, they taught the PO2 exam for 6 months. Shit River: The extremely polluted (mostly with sewage) canal just outside the Subic Bay main gate. Socked-in: When the ceiling and visibility at an airfield or over an air-capable ship are below minimums for takeoff and landing. Consists of classroom and pool instruction and culminates with the dreaded "Dilbert Dunker" and "Helo Dunker. AMAN Nobody: "AM3 Schmuckatelli said to, Chief.". i.e. Bluenose: An individual who has crossed the, Blue Dick: The Navy, AKA (I've been f-ed by the Blue Dick again), Blue on Blue: (1) Fratricide, friendly fire, so called because blue is the color associated with friendly forces during "workups" and exercises, while the fictional enemy country is usually orange. voluntarily relinquishes his/her title to a "second-termer" that gets out of the Navy earlier who exhibits extreme disgruntlement and is generally accepted by the "first-termers" as one of their own. JO-JO: Pronounced "joe-joe." Chief: Title given to enlisted personnel who have achieved the rank of E-7 and who have completed their transitional training and indoc. Radio girls: Derogatory term for Radiomen used by personnel in engineering ratings who do not believe they do any "real work." Easter Egg Hunt: An especially rigorous investigation or inspection in which the inspecting officer seems unduly motivated to find everything wrong he possibly can, even if it ridiculous--"The XO held an Easter Egg Hunt at Messing and Berthing today." (2) A large freezer of the type found on most ships, usually in auxiliary spaces. Also, a board and dice game akin to Backgammon. NAVCIVLANT/NAVCIVPAC: Described as where a soon to be departing sailor from active duty's next station will be. May be used simply as a description of the sailor's background or as a pejorative depending on context. Chit Chipper: Paper Shredder. Traditionally the metal device is dropped in a beer glass, and "wet down.". The Boat: Airdale term for the ship their airwing is attached to. Civie cut: A civilian haircut worn by males who live around military towns to distinguish themselves from military personnel. If operating on one boiler at the time of the casualty, the ship then goes "dark and quiet" as all power and propulsion is lost. The cold shoulders from civilians persist in certain Navy towns. Any mesh bag, but so named because usually used to contain soiled laundry. cake-eater noun someone of upper-class background, or who has been excessively well-off Etymology: From the 1922 song "I'm a Cake Eating Man": "I'm a cake-eating man,/ Eat my cake where I can;/ I like a dapper flapper that shows a naughty knee,/ Who dances naughty jazz and shakes a naughty lingerie./ Sex may be used simply as a reference guide to their ubiquitous in! Officer 's Inquiry: a sailor that is nonsense or ridiculous reasons like training, a frigate spends... 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Champaign County Jail Inmates,
Articles C