Kim, later named Kim Sang-kyo by the Korea Herald, was attacked at Burning Sun, a club where Seungri was on staff as the publicity director. The modern K-pop idol management system first arose after the major label SM Entertainment ran damage control after a breakout star was caught with marijuana. Seungri posted a letter of apology on Instagram for the Burning Sun controversies. He also agreed to participate willingly in investigations. The group Blackpink will play one of the most anticipated sets at this years Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival. It was also announced that Superintendent Yoon submitted a business and personal cell phone to the police as part of their investigations. Jung Joon Young told me that he got caught sending an illegal video to someone. He said, Little boy, were not going to let you go even if you beg. The bleeding from my mouth and nose reopened. Amidst the news reports, one reporter claimed that Seungris gaze was full of anger when he showed up to the station. Around 10 police officers surrounded me as they kicked me on the ground and handcuffed me again. The person testified that prostitution took place at Seungris 2017 birthday party, and also at Club Arena. We are sorry. Come back to me once youve found redemption for your sins and clearly unveiled your name. We have to hurry with his treatments. But the police said I was under investigation so I wasnt allowed to leave. SBSs 8 OClock News questioned the veracity of Yoo In Suks written apology. March 12: Jung Joon-young was booked on charges of illegal hidden camera filming. He later discovered that the two bodyguards lied. This, however, has been disputed a songwriter under YG Entertainments sub-label, THE BLACK LABEL. The statement also reportedly said that YG had terminated Jis employment at the company following the information revealed during the ongoing Burning Sun investigation. They once again collectively beat me up. C9 . As an artist management company, we admit that we have not managed our artists as thoroughly as we should, and we are deeply reflecting on that. The Ministry of Justice panel has recommended the creation of an independent body to investigate corruption among high-ranking government officials but the protesters are not the only ones who believe more must be done before a break with the past can truly be achieved. When Choi Jonghoon was caught drunk driving in February 2016, he offered the police officer who had caught him 5 million won (~$4,400 USD). At the time this report was made, Lawyer Bang Jung Hyunstated that the police are currently searching the private forensic company that was responsible for the restoration of Jung Joon Youngs phone in 2016. On March 13, SBSsNews Briefing reported that in addition toJung Joon Youngs sex scandal in 2016 with his ex-girlfriend, he was accused of filming illegal cams in 2018. He went on to explain that he often takes photos with fans who ask for them. Its an expensive habit to think about the military not as a practical tool but as a symbol of strategic intent. The woman reported the assault, but the police reportedly took no action and Burning Sun allegedly deleted the CCTV footage. The label head said, our artists operations of their personal businesses are completely unrelated to YG. He also claimed that Seungri only resigned as director of the club due to his upcoming military enlistment (which is compulsory for men in Korea). Channel A Newsrevealed silhouettes of the alleged celebrities around the same time thatSBS News released their report on Jung Joon Youngs involvement in the chatroom. FNC Entertainment stated that Choi Jonghoon would cooperate with police investigations, and would be halting his activities. Yong Junhyung was never a member of any of the chatrooms, but at the time this report was made it was suspected that he knew what Jung Joon Young was doing. Due to Koreas nationality principle, a Korean person can be punished under Korean law once their involvement insex tourism is confirmed. He claimed to have a low level of involvement with the clubs management. This scandal demonstrates how women are being treated as objects in Korean society, said CedarBough Saeji, a postdoctoral fellow in Korean studies at University of British Columbia and a scholar of contemporary Korean culture. This chatroom contained the 8 members who were previously revealed, including: Seungri, Jung Joon Young, a 2nd male singer C, Mr. Kim, Mr. Yoo, and 2 other individuals, identified as H and G. On the morning of March 28, theSeoul Metropolitan Police Agencyheld a briefing and stated thatSeungris solicitation charges are in progress with an additional charge on illegal photo distribution. Within a couple of hours after his post, YGs songwriter deleted his Instagram account without any explanation. I will not fight (against the charges) and will follow the verdict of the court. Oct. 6, 2016: Jung Joon-young was acquitted in the hidden camera case after a police investigation. (As of March 23, the CNBLUE member remains at FNC.). Afterward, the chat was sent to SBS funE. A group of policemen dragged her out of the station, stole her phone, then began manipulating the story and CCTV to keep their assault hidden. April 28: Police questioned Park about drug usage. On March 22, Seungrihad an exclusive in-depth interview withJoseon Ilbo, where he personally talked about the scandal surrounding him and Burning Sun. Ten women were reported to be victims of the non-consensual filming. On November 24, 2018, a man named Kim Sang Kyo was reportedly assaulted at the Burning Sun, a Gangnam club owned by BIGBANG's Seungri, after he stepped in to help a woman who was being sexually harassed. Seungri was at the location (club) until 3AM on November 24 of last year, the day of the incident and the incident occurred after 6AM. Junwon is a shareholder of Burning Sun Entertainment and previously managed the Le Mridien Seoul hotel, where Burning Sun was located. SBS FunE reportedly confirmed this by obtaining a KakaoTalk chat log from January 9, 2016, starting at 8:42 pm KST. Hello, you who is hiding in the shadows behind an anonymous name. The pictures I take with my fans will often end up uploaded on the internet or shared via SNS and other communities. Around the same time that Seungri made this confession, he continued to deny claims that he had solicited prostitutes for investors. SBS released a chat log that showedChoi Jonghoonlying about his 2016 DUI arrest to the rest of the group chats members. A post shared by @seungriseyo on Feb 2, 2019 at 6:45am PST. TV Chosun reported that Seungri is suspected of deleting evidence of police ties on Instagram. Nicknamed Koreas Great Gatsby, he flaunted an extravagant lifestyle. According to police, Seungri distributed photos that were taken without the consent in numerous group chatrooms. But in recent months a scandal dogging the Burning Sun nightclub in Seoul, which Seungri sat on the . Junwon released a statement denying embezzlement charges. On March 13, FNC Entertainment released an official statement on Choi Jonghoons behalf, regarding accusations. Some wielded signs saying Rape cartel. Therefore, we have decided to terminate our contract with Jung Joon Young, who signed with our subsidiary Label M back in January 2019. March 7: MBC challenged Seungris Feb. 2 statement claiming that he was not involved in Burning Suns management from the start. His agency,Glorious Entertainment, released a statement, saying that he only took a picture with her because she was his fan. BC Holdings was established by Seungri andYoo In Sukas the investment company forYuri Holdings. In the released chat log, Choi Jonghoon messaged the group chat about his arrest, claiming he gave 10 million won to the police to get out of it. He will reportedly remain under arrest with detention for the entirety of his trial. It must be revealed through investigations. April 19. Even though she suffered damage, she would not file charges because she was afraid her personal details may be revealed. The 14 individuals being reinvestigated reportedly include actors and a promoter of Arena. It is suspected that Seungri was providing services to Mr. A in December 2015 in hopes of securing his investment in BC Holdings, which was established just 3 months later, in March 2016. Roy Kims father has already apologized for his sons actions, claiming responsibility for himself. - Arrest warrant with . As he tells it, he initially joined the club as a DJ, then was promoted to publicity director. The same day, KBSshared an alleged chat conversation that showed the men talkingabout the incident in a jovial manner. I dont know the person [in the picture]. They revealed that Junhyung had never been in a group chat with Jung Joon Young. I asked him how he was doing the next day. It was sent for further investigation 20 days after being inspected for data, as proof of illegal hidden cams and police corruption. In addition, since late 2016, I have only maintained a relationship of simple greetings once in a while with Jung Joong Young. Since he was not in charge on on-site operations at the Burning Sun, news of alleged illegal acts such as minors being allowed into the club, and Lee Moon Hos drug use, came to him secondhand. But the scandal revolves around a core chat that involved eight members: Seungri, Jung, Choi Jonghoon, Yoo In Suk, Burning Sun employee named Mr. Kim, a relative of a girl group member, a former YG Entertainment employee and a friend of Jung. It was not a decision that had been made after consulting with the agency. Soon after, news broke that Seungris contract with YG Entertainment had also been canceled. After pushing me down, he kicked me in the face three times with his shoes. In February,32 investigators brought out 4 boxes of potential evidence from the club. In the statement, he discusses Kim Sang Kyos assault video, stating that he was not at the club when it occurred. The Seoul Police Department launched an investigation into the prostitution claims. Seungri again denied allegations about soliciting prostitutes in 2015, and claims that the women mentioned in those chat logs werent prostitutes. The Chosun Ilboreported Seungris alleged procurement of prostitution began earlier than previously known, potentially as early as December 2015. As it turns out, the man was an acquaintance of Seungri and Burning Sun's CEO and also a VIP customer who, according to an insider, spent $7,000-$9,000 . It is very difficult to lead a feminist movement unless protected by anonymity, Saeji said. March 14: Jung was brought into the police station for questioning, which lasted for 21 hours. We have also decided that we are unable to maintain our contract with Jung Joon Young due to this scandal. As can be seen from the Kim Hak-eui case, such collusion is not confined to K-pop or entertainment, but there is a common thread: in all these cases where the powerful have abused their privilege, women are the primary victims. I will be faithful to the investigation by the authorities, which will start from the morning of the 14th, without any lies, and I will accept the punishment I receive, for the behavior I have committed. MBCs Newsdesk reported there were 14 people involved in the chatroom, and suggested other celebrities were involved who had appeared with Jung on a television show. I sincerely apologize once more to all of the people affected, and I will work harder to show a more mature and thoughtful side of myself. An independent panel under the Ministry of Justice has concluded the original investigations were flawed and Kim has now been indicted on charges of receiving 170 million won ($143,700) and sexual favors in bribes from a construction contractor. The policemen filmed him as they ridiculed him. During an urgent press conference held on March 13, it was revealed that FTISLANDs Choi Jonghoon, who was previously accused of being part of the chatroom with Seungri and Jung Joon Young, was caught drunk driving 3 years ago. When the video was first released, the employees also said that it was the VIP room restroom but it seemed like they werent too concerned about the released video.. When his mother arrived, she demanded that he be transferred to another branch for investigation, and called for an ambulance. SMPA confirms that Choi admitted he tried to bribe police to cover up past drunk driving incident. Bang revealed that the videos were habitually shared by these people, and emphasized that there were messages that hinted at rape attempts using drugs while filming the illegal sex videos. In the statement, MAKEUS Entertainment revealed how even they did not know all the details at the moment, regarding the situation. Hello, my name is Kim Sang Kyo, a 28-year-old citizen of South Korea. We are making it clear that our celebrities, Lee Jonghyun and Choi Jonghoon, had only contacted the certain socially controversial celebrities as friends. I contacted him/her. March 23: Chosun Ilbo published a wide-ranging interview with Seungri that covered topics such as his alleged involvement in police corruption, drug allegations and tax evasion. The reporter stated that there was much content that was simply unspeakable, and he wasshocked to find out that Jung Joon Young knew the some of his victims weaknesses would prevent them from reporting him to the police. ReporterKang Kyeong Yoon from SBS funE. After entering the station, Kim Sang Kyo managed to secretly call his mother. Stocks of South Korean entertainment firms plummeted after the scandal broke, with five major K-pop firms losing nearly 18% of their value in the weeks after the news. Over a span of 10 months, the two reportedly filmed a total of 10 hidden cameras (videos and pictures). The Burning Sun scandal may be a catalyst to change by reassessing K-pops pristine image. March 24: Chief Superintendent Kim, the wife of police Senior Superintendent Yoon, admitted that she received several hundred dollars worth of concert tickets from Choi. The detective was working on the Burning Sun scandal in 2019 at the time of his death. 8 OClock News reported on a lewd one-on-one chat between Jung Joon-young and CNBLUEs Lee Jong Hyun. I asked a security guard for help, but I ended up getting beat up by the security guards and people who seemed like their friends. YG Entertainment the Big 3 K-pop company where Seungri was signed released a statement claiming the chatroom messages were fabricated. SBS funEs Kang Kyung-yoon, who reported the story, responded that there would be no reason for her to fabricate the texts. The Korea Herald reported that police were investigating celebrities in relation to Hwangs case after she said her drug usage was recommended by a celebrity acquaintance. Jung Jinwoons agency explained that its difficult to get in touch with him because he is currently still in the militarys training program. They also investigated bank account records of those involved, and reportedly found no evidence of bribery nor connections to Superintendent Yoon or others being investigated in relation to police corruption. We have processes and resources in place to support survivors, conduct equitable investigations, and hold accountable those found in violation of our policies.. I have faithfully completed my investigation. My bleeding stopped around 10:00AM, but I was incarcerated until the police devised another story, manipulated the CCTV, and concealed everything. SBS later reported that the police officer who was in charge of Jung Joon Youngs case in 2016 attempted to have the evidence destroyed. He told the others, Hold that son of a b*tch, as someone kicked me to the ground. On March 21, Jung Joon Young reported to the Seoul Central District Court to be judged for an arrest warrant. So, we are currently in contact with Jung Joon Young, who is currently overseas fulfilling his schedule, but we are also having difficulties understanding all of the facts. Ji Chang Wooksoon denied having any connections with Madam Lin. Kim Sang Kyo was still not allowed to visit the hospital for treatment because he was deemed the assaulter, not the victim. SBS funEs Kang Kyung-yoon sat down for an interview that traced how her investigation into the hidden camera chatrooms started. The phone that I mentioned on the show had nothing to do with this unfortunate case. He shared some of the reports he received on his Instagram Story. After the ambulance left, Kim Sang Kyos injuries became worse. She said that she blacked out after accepting alcohol from them, and woke up the next morning in a hotel room. I retreated backwards and was able to briefly call the police through my cellphone at 7:02AM. MBN revealed more details about the eight members of the Burning Sun chatroom: Seungri, Jung Joon-young, Choi Jonghoon, Yoo In Suk, club employee Mr. Kim, a relative of a girl group member, a former YG employee and a friend of Jung. It was the largest scandal to hit the K-pop industry. The Burning Sun scandal, named for the club in Gangnam associated with Seungri, of boy group Big Bang, comes a year after women began rallying in the streets in a wave of protests against systemic sexual abuse and the pervasive use of spycams(The women taking on spycams in South Korea). As a result, he will halt all individual activities as well as activities as a member of FTISLAND until all investigations are complete. Koreaboo. They kept me tied until 10am, hoping that my bleeding would stop. Lowy Institute. If you wanted a rare bottle of champagne. Police reportedly searched the offices of Junwon Industries and Yuri Holdings in relation to alleged embezzlement by Seungri. On the same day that the press conference took place, Reporter Kang Kyung Yoon revealed a new chat log that showcased Seungris direct knowledge of the polices involvement in turning a blind eye to wrongdoings, such as the DUI. Choi Jonghoon: The chrome hearts (handcuffs) really hurt. Yong Junhyung announced his departure from Highlight. (Yeoksam Police Station Police Sergeant Ahn Hwan Suk and 5 more [Assault], 10 Policemen [aiding]). They threw me out from the VIP entrance of Burning Sun and pushed me towards an area that didnt have CCTV. In an attempt to get to the bottom of the case and attempt to clear Seungri of the suspicions surrounding him, we have booked Seungri as a suspect for the allegations of him soliciting prostitution in order to receive a search warrant for the club ARENA, which is accused of allowing prostitution inside its venue. In late January, a former employee revealed that the police had recently paid a visit due to an incident relating to marijuana. His decision to retire stemmed from the scandals that have surrounded him since the Burning Sun Assault case began. The arrest came a month after an initial arrest warrant from the police was rejected by the Seoul Central District Court. That same day, his management agency C-jeS terminated its contract with the K-pop star and actor. Soon after news of Seungris chatroom conversations was revealed, police began an internal investigationon Seungri for allegedly offering prostitution to foreign investors. The case was investigated twice in 2013 and 2014 but was thrown out despite the video, with prosecutors arguing that Kim could not be identified. I never participated in something illegal such as taking hidden camera videos or sharing it. South Korea 's President, Moon Jae-in weighed in last week. He also confirmed that he submitted his own cell phone. Kim Sang Kyo first went public about the assault onBobaedream, an online community. He reportedly told the members of the chatroom to change their phones shortly after it was revealed on March 11 that the members of the chatroom shared illegally filmed videos with each other. A few of the industrys biggest names are involved, but the allegations span sexual assault, prostitution, drug distribution, hidden camera footage, tax evasion and police corruption. We also received testimonies that such prostitution did happen. I treated it as something that is not a big deal, without thinking that it was a crime and an illegal act. May 2: Yonhap reported that SMPA announces it had summoned Seungri for questioning over embezzlement allegations. Numerous sides to Kim Sang Kyos Burning Sun assault story put everyone in a state of confusion, but the truth was finally made publicduring the first week of March. Simply put, one person said things like, I saw the text with the person. Few members of the public have a memory span or patience enough to watch days of police corruption [reporting], wrote Oh Young-jin in the Korea Times. Choi Jonghoon was only called to the police station to help their investigations as a witness. I took videos of women without their consent, I spread it in the KakaoTalk chat room, and acted without guilt or remorse. K-pop is choking with sexual objectification. Lin, Staff Writer Published : Mar 18, 2019 8,925 Views. The chatroom members were allegedly sharing hidden camera videos of sexual acts. If I receive permission, I will delay my enlistment date and faithfully participate in the investigations until the end. Now two decade-old cases resurfaced, one involving ex-vice justice minister Kim Hak-eui, and another centering on the death of actress Jang Ja-yeon. Yong Junhyung and his agency, Around Us Entertainment, officially responded to rumors that he is one of the celebrities in the KakaoTalk chatroom where hidden camera footage was shared. Meanwhile, Yuri Holdings where the singer was co-CEO owned 20 percent of Burning Suns shares. Even though I knew of what was happening at that time, I thought was not a big deal and was too relaxed. In the past, Seungri has emphasized on broadcasts such asI Live AloneandMy Little Old Boythat he personally manages businesses that are under his name. An unspeakable incident had occurred. All three had been on a television show with Jung in the past. Stocks for major South Korean entertainment firms plummeted as fans who often invest in favorite labels sold off their stakes in disgust. Are there no young and pretty and nice bitches? May 3: Parks case forwarded to prosecution. Likewise, you need to understand the triangular mafia in Korea of celebrities, businessmen and public authorities to fully understand Korea. On March 11 of the same year, Mr. Park shared details of how he drugged a woman with sleeping pills before having sexual relations with her. In exclusive chat logs obtained by Sisa Journal, it was discovered that Seungri was soliciting prostitution to his business partners starting in August 2014. SMPA announced its cybercrime unit had begun investigating about 200 media industry insiders, including reporters and producers, who had participated in a chat that shared sexual footage shot illegally allegedly at Burning Sun. It all began when a man named Kim Sang Kyo claimed to have been assaulted by Burning Sun's employees and the police when all he did was try to help a woman who was being groped. The police claimed that Kim Sang Kyo was arrested for obstruction of business, while the club itself claimed it was for sexual harassment. KBS1s KBS News 9 also reported that he received prostitutes from Yuri Holdings Yoo In Suk. Another employee spoke up about a sexual assault video that was allegedly taken inside the VIP restroom. He allegedly diverted 200 million won (around $172,000 USD) by having Burning Sun pay the money to another club, co-founded by him and a business, to use its brand. Some messages allegedly discussed raping women at the club. After the data was referred to the Supreme Prosecutors office on the 12th and the police notified, the police have been searching the private forensic company that was responsible for the restoration of Jung Joon Youngs phone in 2016 from 11 am the 13th. They would get it. Jung transferred to custody of prosecution as police recommended the 30-year-old be indicted on charges of secretly filming and sharing sexual videos. The outlet also reported that he is suspected of tax evasion. Between April 9 and April 12, South Koreas three main broadcast channels revealed they had issued guidelines regarding appearances of Seungri, Jung, and Choi: MBCissued a ban of Jung following his arrest while temporarily restricting appearances by the others as their cases develop, while KBSissued restrictions on appearances by Jung, Seungri, and Choi. A press conference held by the Commissioner General of the Korean National Police Agency confirmed that a chatroom member referenced a police connection. These 8 members would reportedly share everything with each other, from their personal lives to women. Get our L.A. Choi bookedon sexual assault charges under suspicion of filming a video without consent of himself having sex with a partner and sharing it along with five other illegal pornographic videos. In fact, she pleaded (with him) not to maliciously circulate it. They also denied that Seungri had been at the club at the time of the incident. increased calls to reinvestigate sexual abuse cases. The woman, an apparent acquaintance of Jung since 2012, came forward with suspicions of sexual assault after being made aware of the chatrooms. SBS stated that it would not blacklist individuals, but left decisions up to the directors of its shows. As a result, new phones were allegedly submitted by Choi Jonghoon, Seungri, and Jung Joon Young for police investigations. During the same press conference, police revealed that messages in Seungris chatroom suggested support from a police chief. A woman filed a complaint last year against her ex-boyfriend, and last month the man was referred to the prosecution by the Gangnam Police Station, but police failed to find an external hard drive that purportedly featured videos and photos related to the charges. The police also revealed that Seungri had admitted to giving Senior Superintendent Yoon and his wife 3 tickets toBIGBANGconcerts. Yoon and his wife 3 tickets toBIGBANGconcerts death of actress Jang Ja-yeon would not blacklist individuals, the... Was a crime and an illegal video to someone it would not blacklist individuals, but the reportedly. Not going to let you go even if you beg the ongoing Burning Sun.. Crime and an illegal video to someone from January 9, 2016: Jung was brought into police., 2016: Jung Joon-young and CNBLUEs Lee Jong Hyun in 2019 at the itself! Was afraid her personal details may be revealed CNBLUE member remains at FNC. ) their... 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